Childbirth Classes in Louisville, Kentucky

Preparing for a baby’s arrival is quite an event in itself. There are so many things to get done, baby items to purchase, and then there are all the questions that new moms have concerning what exactly is going to happen during childbirth. Childbirth classes are an excellent idea for any new mom, especially first-time moms, and they are helpful even if you do not plan on giving birth without the use of drugs, as not all childbirth classes are not simply to teach Lamaze. Many classes are offered for new moms who do not intend to use Lamaze or Bradley techniques, some teach basic breathing and relaxation techniques, while some teach newborn care. So where can you find childbirth classes in Louisville, Kentucky?

Louisville Childbirth Classes

Kathy Markham is the instructor with Louisville Childbirth Classes. She is a certified Doula through Doulas of North America (DONA) and International Childbirth Educators Association (ICEA); she is also certified in childbirth education by Lamaze International and ICEA.

Classes are held in a series over a six week time span with four to six couples per class, with ten couples being the maximum for each class. Classes are $75 for the series and are held at Northeast Christian Church on Brownsboro Road.

You can find out more about Louisville Childbirth Classes on their Web site or call Kathy

Markum at (502) 499-4118.

Expectant Parent Prenatal Series at NortonHospital

This class is designed for moms to attend during the fifth, sixth, or seventh month of pregnancy and covers topics such as labor and delivery, anesthesia, Caesarean Sections, newborn care and safety, as well as postpartum education. The class is held at both Norton’s Downtown or at Norton Suburban. The class is $40 per couple for a series of eight weeks.

See also  How to Get Through Labor Without Drugs

For more information visit Norton Hospitals Web site or call (502) 629-1234.

Expectant Parent Labor Preparation Class at NortonHospital

This class is designed for those not signed up for Lamaze or Bradley classes. The class covers basic breathing and relaxation techniques to aid the expectant mother during labor and delivery. The cost for the class is $10 per couple.

For more information visit Norton Hospitals Web site or call (502) 629-1234.

Truly Prepared

The childbirth classes at Truly Prepared teach natural methods and techniques for prevention and management of pain during childbirth. Classes are taught during a six week series.

For more information you can visit their Web site or call (502) 836-4663.

Childbirth Education Classes at BaptistHospital East

Baptist Hospital East offers a full range of childbirth classes that expectant parents can begin taking as soon as they get pregnant, with classes that follow them every step of the way through their pregnancy.

For more information you can visit their Web site.

Marvelous Multiples

This is a truly unique childbirth class and the only one of its kind in Louisville. Marvelous Multiples is designed especially for expectant mothers who are carrying two or more babies. During the classes information will be presented on prenatal care, the emotional aspects, risks and complications, premature birth, labor and delivery, recovery and postpartum, and life at home with multiple newborns.

Call (502) 629-1234 for more information on the Marvelous Multiples Class.