Cheap Ways to Decorate a Home Office

Those working in a business office can sometimes add a few personal touches such as framed photos and small trinkets, but they are usually stuck with ugly office décor, stark office walls or a cubicle, and whatever the business happens to provide. Working from home and running a home office has many benefits, and one advantage is the ability to decorate and personalize the room in absolutely any style imaginable. Best of all, it is possible to decorate in cheap ways that are far from cheap in appearance. Try the following cheap and creative ways to decorate a home office, and make it your personal space for productivity. When someone works at home they can do anything they want to decorate their personal space, and the options are virtually endless.

Paint the Room a Vibrant Hue

A home office set up in a stark white room can become as depressing as a home office with dark dismal walls. It is best to decorate with color in mind. Opt for clean vibrant hues that promote productivity and alertness rather than white or dark colors. Hues on the cool side of the color wheel promote rest, while colors on the warm side encourage attentiveness and vigor. Choose sunny yellow or shades of vibrant ginger to cover walls and decorate a home office. Paint is a very cheap way to decorate, and these colors are excellent choices when selecting hues for a home office.

Add Mood-Enhancing Color to Embellish Inexpensive Storage Boxes

Instead of using ugly filing cabinets typical of a business office, opt for cheap file boxes that can be stored on a shelf unit next to the home office desk. Open file boxes are cheap in price because they are made from heavy cardboard, but they are sturdy enough to hold and organize paperwork and other lightweight supplies. They also provide a great way to decorate the home office. They are available in many bright colors and designs, but they can be neatly wrapped with cheap adhesive paper, leftover wallpaper, or even wrapping paper of any color or style. Decorate and personalize the file boxes with scrapbook stickers, decals, faux gems, or other cheap craft supplies. Visit a local craft store to discover many more ways to decorate cheap storage boxes for the home office.

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Brighten the Space with Natural Light

A home office lacking natural light can be a depressing place, especially when spending hours in the room. When looking for ways to decorate, repurpose heavy window treatments, and opt for cheap blinds or sheers that let in plenty of natural light. Use holdbacks to suspend drapery in an open position during daylight hours. For cheap homemade holdbacks that will decorate and hold open curtains, consider the ideas in this article on ways to make unique homemade drapery tiebacks. These cheap and easy ways to decorate curtains and drapes while letting in natural light are cheap in price but not cheap in style, especially when striving to decorate a home office using affordable methods.

Embellish the Room with Stylish and Affordable Wall Art

After finding good ways to organize a home office to make better use of time and available space, decorate the office walls with cheap but attractive wall art. It is not necessary to buy expensive metal, canvas, or wooden wall art when looking for cheap ways to decorate the home office. Just because the cost is cheap does not mean the results will look cheap, and homemade wall art is some of the most stylish of all. Repurpose interesting items not typically used to decorate walls. For example, decorate with an antique sled, a pair of wooden skis, or use an old wooden painter’s easel to frame a cheap print. When using imagination and available resources to decorate and organize a home office in cheap and easy ways, these methods will appear highly creative and provide a well-organized space for productivity.