Cereal Bars: A Surprising Cause of Weight Gain

With the busy lifestyles that many of us lead, sometimes breakfast just seems out of the question, unless it is on the go. Cereal bars are one of the foods which have actually made breakfast possible for some of us. What you may have not known is that cereal bars can actually lead to weight gain.

Why Do Cereal Bars Lead to Weight Gain?

There are several reasons that cereal bars may lead to weight gain. The main reason is because they are very high in sugar. Many are also very high in both carbohydrates and fats. Though many are high calories, there are also some which are really high in calories from fat. Unfortunately, when buying cereal bars, many of us do not read labels. Instead, we opt for the flavors and brands which seem to be the most appealing to us. This can be a major problem for those of us who do not want to gain weight. Whether you are buying cereal bars for yourself or for your children, it is important to make sure that you read the labels to make sure that you know what you are really buying.

What Cereal Bars are Known to be the Unhealthiest?

Both the Kellogg’s Coco-Pops and the Rice Krispies cereal bars have been found to very unhealthy, both containing high levels of sugar and saturated fat. Oatmeal breakfast bars are known to be a little bit healthier than these types of bars. Nutri-grain and Multi-grain bars have also shown to be a bit healthier. If you want to eat breakfast bars or allow your child to eat breakfast bars, you might want to think about eating Oatmeal breakfast bars, Nutri-grain or Multi-grain bars. While they may not be the healthiest, they are slightly healthier and may not lead to weight gain as much other cereal bars.

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Which is Healthier: Cereal or Cereal Bars?

When eaten with low fat or fat free milk, cereal is a lot healthier for you than a cereal bar. Though cereal is known to contain a good amount of sugar, it is believed that the milk may “wash” some of it off, which ultimately means that you are not eating it. Low fat or fat free milk is also known to be very healthy for the body and is believed to lead to weight loss. When you eat a cereal bar, you are unable to take advantage of the health benefits of milk. While some brands claim that their cereal bars offer milk, the truth is that this is usually just a sugary substance which tastes good. Of course, you should keep in mind that if a certain type of cereal is not healthy for you, the breakfast bar won’t be either. One good example is the Cocoa Puffs breakfast bar and cereal, which are both high in sugar.

Can You Eat Cereal Bars Without Gaining Weight?

It’s possible. You should try to eat the healthier types of cereal bars whenever possible. No matter what type you decide to eat, however, the most important thing is to make sure that you only eat cereal bars in moderation. Anything that is eaten excessively can lead to weight gain and breakfast bars are no exception.