Causes for Hyperactivity in Children

Hyperactivity is a symptom, not a disease. This occurs especially around the ages between two to four. Hyperactive children is also common when the child has an above average intelligence. This type of child is usually very inquisitive and curious about his/her surroundings and therefore becomes active.

Other causes for hyperactivity in children can be due to the fact that they do not speak English and when they are in school, they become bored. Another situation when a child can become hyperactive is when at school, the behavior standards are different at home than it is at school. This situation can be difficult for a child to adjust to. Children with hearing problems and visual difficulty many times can become hyperactive.

Hyperactivity can also be due to drug reactions. In the book, “Taking Care of Your Child,” it states that hyperthyroidism, which is due to an overactive thyroid, can cause hyperactivity. Medical causes of hyperactivity can also be due to seizure disorders, retardation, and psychiatric disorders.

Teachers can be the very first person to become aware of a hyperactive child because in a class situation, children are expected to be quietly listening to the teacher and the lesson that is being presented. Parents do not have this type of quiet period in their home, so the child’s hyperactivity may not show up so readily. This is important for a parent to realize, because if a teacher sends a note home indicating that their child is overactive, the parent should take the teacher’s word for it. The child is overactive due to boredom.

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It states in Taking Care of Your Child, that there is a small group of children who have what is known as minimal brain disorder (MBD) or hyperactivity syndrome. It is also known as minimal brain dysfunction or attention deficit disorder. This is different from the above description in which hyperactivity is described as a symptom when the child is really bored. The hyperactivity syndrome disorder consists of greatly increased activity, easy distractibility, wide mood changes, poor impulse control, short attention span, explosive moods, and learning problems. This is when a physician may be able to help.

If there are problems in school due to a child’s behavior, there should be a conference with the teacher. If the child’s hyperactivity began following the use of a medication, discontinue using it and contact the prescribing physician.

The doctor will also be able to diagnose the child for Minimal Brain Disorder. In this situation, the doctor will examine the child’s nervous system. Tests of muscle coordination, reading, spelling, etc. may be conducted in the doctor’s office. Hearing and vision will also be tested. Brain wave tests may be taken. After examining the child, the doctor will be able to give more steps to take in order to help the child. The doctor may subscribe the drug, Ritalin, or a certain diet that is free of food additives. There also may be some behavioral techniques advised in this situation.

Source: Taking Care of Your Child by Robert Pantell, M.D., James Fries, M.D .and Donald Vickery, M.D.