Caring for Your Golden Retriever – Grooming Tips

If you are the happy owner of a Golden Retriever, you should take the time to learn how to care for him properly. After all, you are responsible for your dog’s health and well-being. He is dependent on you for his food, exercise, vet care, and grooming. Grooming your Golden Retriever may not necessarily be a task that you enjoy, but it is something that must be done. Sure, you can pay a professional dog groomer to do it for you, but by doing it yourself you will get some one on one bonding time with your Golden Retriever and you will know that the job is being done properly. Not to mention the fact that you will save quite a bit of money as well!

You should set aside time, at least two times a week, just for grooming your Golden Retriever. Most of the time, you will need about 30 minutes each session, longer if your Golden Retriever doesn’t cooperate with you, or if he has very long, matted hair. To help eliminate shedding, spend some extra time brushing your Golden Retriever’s hair a few times a week, especially if he spends a lot of time outside. Pay attention to any ticks, debris, or mats in his hair, and take the time to get them out as soon as you find them. It will be much easier to get them out now, rather than waiting until the hair mats more and the gnarls get worse.

At every grooming session, you want to start out by thoroughly brushing and inspecting your Golden Retriever’s coat. Finish this step using a comb to remove any hair that may have been missed by the brush. You can purchase metal brushes and combs from your local pet supply store that are designed specifically for removing matted hair. It isn’t really a good idea to use scissors to remove clumps of hair, as you could very easily injure your Golden Retriever if one of you move or jerk. This is a good time to inspect your Golden Retriever’s hair, and underlying skin, looking for any sores, infection, parasites, or other signs of possible skin problems.

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After brushing, combing, and inspecting, it is time to get ready to bathe your Golden Retriever. Make certain you use a shampoo that is safe for dogs. Your local pet supply employees can assist you in finding the right shampoo, or your vet can make some recommendations. If your Golden Retriever has skin problems, it may be better to talk to your vet anyway. Unless your Golden Retriever spends a lot of time outside and gets really dirty, you really only need to bathe him about twice a month, more may cause his skin to become dry and flaky. The bathing process isn’t that bad, as long as you keep your Golden Retriever brushed and combed on a regular basis.

A part of keeping your Golden Retriever well groomed is keeping his nails clean and trimmed. The idea of trimming your Golden Retriever’s nails may make you nervous at first, but as long as you are careful, you should be fine. You will probably need to trim your Golden Retriever’s nails once a month or so, more often if needed. Be careful not to trim the nails down too far, as you could injure your dog, or possibly cause an infection. If you do happen to snip your Golden Retriever while trimming his nails, styptic powder can help to quickly staunch the bleeding.

It is important that you also pay careful attention to your Golden Retriever’s ears during grooming as well. To prevent ear infections, you should clean the ears at least twice a month, with a vet-approved cleaning solution and soft cloth or cotton balls. While cleaning the ears, be sure to be alert for signs of infection or problems, such as discharge, redness, or a foul smell. If you note any of these signs, it is a good idea to make an appointment with the vet, just to be on the safe side.

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To keep your Golden Retriever healthy, it is important that you keep him properly groomed. It may take a little time for both of you to adjust to the routine, but it is well worth it in the end. If you simply cannot tend to your Golden Retriever’s grooming needs, you should take the time to find a good local groomer who can!