Careers for Graduates with a Degree in Banking and Finance

Graduates with a degree in banking and finance make up a large portion of many colleges annual graduating class and for good reason. There are many solid career opportunities for graduates with a degree in banking and finance across the country in both traditional and novel settings. Graduates with a degree in banking and finance can feel optimistic about their chances for landing a job in their area of expertise and probably not have to worry about relocation. Most graduates with a degree in banking a finance will find themselves sharing one common element in whatever job they select, they’ll all be working with money.

Bank Jobs In most communities the local bank is almost as important and visible as the local police station. The size of the local bank and the number of career positions it may offer to graduates with a degree in banking and finance will depend upon the size of the supporting community. With large city or regional banks many positions will be offered while small towns banks may only have one or two jobs available.

Today bank jobs for graduates with a degree in banking and finance are found in non-traditional settings . Customers want easy and convenient access to banking services and so banks compete for every available customer by opening banks in supermarkets and shopping malls. These added banking facilities need staffing and have provided new and perhaps more attractive jobs for graduates with a degree in banking and finance. Graduates with a degree in banking and finance may have ambitions that take them far beyond the corner bank, but for these same graduates it is comforting to know that there are solid jobs that their degree will allow them to fall back on should a more exciting position fall through.

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Financial Analyst Possibly more exciting than employment in a local bank is employment in the world of financial investment with a competitive and active firm. Film footage of the opening or closing of the New York Stock Exchange illustrates a lively world of gains and losses that may entice some graduates with a degree in banking and finance to follow the investment career path.

Graduates who have developed an interest or expertise in investment banking will find many firms hiring to fill positions as financial analysts. Success as a financial analyst will require knowledge gathered in four undergraduate years and more. Working as a financial consultant or analyst may require both the ability to understand a financial or business concept and also the ability to convincingly share that point with a client.

There is a good deal of money to be made in the world of financial analysis both working for a corporation or in business on your own. But in a free enterprise system, profits can be seriously effected by movement in the market. Of course no one should know this better than graduates with a degree in banking and finance.

Insurance Companies There are many jobs for graduates with a degree in banking and finance that will take them into the insurance industry. Skills mastered in college by graduates with a degree in banking and finance are essential to many insurance positions. Some insurance officers review claims and make determinations about appropriate settlements. Others work as underwriters who review and approve insurance applications.

Insurance companies are not quite as omnipresent as banks, but central offices employing large numbers of graduates with a degree in banking and finance are clustered in large cities and sprinkled among smaller towns. Those seeking employment in an insurance company will have to decide between working for the mega firms that offer a little more excitement and city life or choosing to sign on with a local company where work may be done for neighbors and friends. The skills needed will be similar, the location is a matter of personal choice.

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Telephone and on Line Services. Today more and more financial business is conducted on line or telephonically. Many companies will hire staff to mange the instant flow of business questions and transactions that occur each day. Graduates with a degree in banking and finance who also have post graduate training or experience in computer or telephone servicing will find their resume is well received.

As most major finance companies already have both computer and telephonic capacity, graduates who enjoy this kind of work may have the opportunity to choose their job from among a wide choice of potential employers.

The United States is a capitalist economy in which money and investment are essential. Graduates with a degree in banking a finance are equipped with the kind of knowledge that helps keep the system working and gives them meaningful employment.