Car Reviews: 1995 Dodge Intrepid

As far as time periods go, perhaps the middle 1990’s represent somewhat of a dark age for a variety of car models and their manufacturers. While some very good models did come out of that era, some problematic models erupted as well. Perhaps one of the vehicles from that time period which really seems to be showing its age is the 1995 Dodge Intrepid. While used models can generally be found for a decent price and in seemingly good condition, potential buyers should not be tricked by the price tag, as the Intrepid is generally a vehicle, which is best avoided.

Even from the outside the Intrepid really seems to have nothing special to offer to buyers. The car simply looks boring. The over-elongated body and excessively large front end and completely square back end all contribute to a vehicle which seems to offer very little in overall appearance. This is not helped by the somewhat strange collection of colors that the Intrepid is available in. More than anything else though, the Intrepid fails to stand out, and it just seems to look like something which does not offer the slightest in terms of class or standing out from the crowd. Those seeking a sedan which looks attractive will be best advised to look elsewhere, as the Intrepid offers generally very little in terms of exterior appearance.

Another lacking area for the vehicle can be found as soon as one opens the door. The interior sports an equally bland vision, coupled with fairly uncomfortable seats and a road view which is, at times, scary. Drivers who are short than five foot seven are going to have a fairly difficult time seeing where they are going. In fact, any driver is likely going to have a hard time enjoying driving the Intrepid. The interior simply was not built for driver enjoyment or passenger entertainment. Add to this the fact the dashboard is prone to cracking and warping, and that the cloth seats and carpeting tend to fade and show dirt very easily, and we have put together a vehicle which does not offer much in terms of driving enjoyment. However, what is positive about the Intrepid is the massive amount of space offered to passengers and drivers alike. There are no problems fitting five or even six people into this vehicle comfortably. While the sheer size may make up for some of the problems that can be found, the rest of the interior offers relatively little of remark, and seems to fade into the same type of dull as the exterior.

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However, perhaps the Intrepid loses the most points as soon as one turns the key in the ignition. For a sedan, the engine noise is strangely loud, even considering the age of the model. The car’s large engine fails to deliver any real power to the driver, but still manages to be relatively poor on gas mileage. Perhaps, though, what makes the Intrepid such a bad buy for most is the frequency for which the parts tend to fail. The 1995 Dodge Intrepid is by no means a reliable vehicle, and potential buyers should be prepared to replace a variety of components fairly quickly, and in rapid succession. The car has been shown to develop a variety of transmission and engine problems as it ages, even with relatively low mileage. The car also has marked problems with fuel delivery, and the fuel pumps tend to have an incredibly short life span. The car drives and handles like one would expect an oversized sedan to handle, which means that it tends to float on the highway and results in some nasty scares around sharp corners.

While some may still be tempted by the vehicles generally low price tag, there is absolutely no reason that a person should have to settle for a vehicle such as the 1995 Dodge Intrepid. It simply has very little to offer the driver and may end up costing far more than the low price tag could ever hope to indicate. Just remember to be careful when looking at such a vehicle, and not to be swept up into the relatively low cost.