Can Hawthorn Really Reduce Your High Blood Pressure

There have been numerous studies done on Hawthorn berries and it’s effect on heart and blood pressure health. A recent study done in Britain used Hawthorn berries to lower blood pressure in diabetic patients. The study was successful in reducing diastolic pressure in the patients that were given 1200 mgs of Hawthorn extract for 16 weeks. The study did not find a significant difference in systolic blood pressure readings. You can read more about the study at the following link: .

Hawthorn berries have also been studied in Germany by the Commission- E , which is a branch of the German government that studies and approves herbal remedies. The Commission-E has also found that Hawthorn Berries have successfully treated angina, early stage CHF, and cardiac arrhythmia along with aiding in reducing high blood pressure.

A study done in Turkey conducted in 2010, on laboratory mice found it to also aide in stress reduction. The study found that Hawthorn Berries are useful in helping with anxiety, sleep deprivation and also was useful as a pain reliever.

The University of Maryland Medical Center also has a page that provides more information on Hawthorn Berries and there uses. You can find the page here:

When I looked into the history of Hawthorn Berries I learned that people actually starting using them as far back as the 1st Century. Back in the 1st century people ate the whole berry to treat heart related problems. The United States starting using Hawthorn Berries in the early 1800s to treat heart related and respiratory problems. Back in the day the whole plant was harvested for use, now it is mainly harvested for its use of flowers and leaves.

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What is it about Hawthorn Berries that help with blood pressure and other conditions.

Hawthorn Berries are a fruit there are extremely rich in bioflavanoids. Bioflavanoids are a class of plant polyphenolic compounds. Bioflavanoids are best known for their ability to reduce capillary permeability . Bioflavanoids are also essential for the body to properly absorb and regulate Vitamin C. With its ability to aide in the abortion of Vitamin C it makes it a powerful component it the aide against infections.

I myself have suffered from hypertension and arrhythmia for many years. I have been treated with a variety of prescription blood pressure medications. As of now I am on a medication called Amlodopine/Benazapril which is a combination ace inhibitor and calcium channel blocker. I have been taking 1050 mgs of Hawthorn Berry Extract for over a year now. It does help improve my blood pressure readings more significantly then just taking my prescription medication alone. My decision and use of Hawthorn Berries as an added treatment was disused and approved by my physician. It is important that your primary care provider is aware of all treatments you take including over the counter. The reason is because your primary care provider knows how certain over the counter supplements can interact with any prescription medications your on. You can also check with your local pharmacist about possible drug interactions. After all Pharmacists are highly trained in both herbs and prescription medications. Many doctors actually approve the use of Hawthorn Berries along with your prescribed blood pressure medication as long as you are carefully monitoring yourself.

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However my question is not about Hawthorn Berries helping people that are already on a prescription medication to control their high blood pressure. My question is will Hawthorn Berries help someone with high blood pressure that is not taking anything already to treat it.

My husband has high blood pressure and will not return to the doctor for follow up treatment ( not sure if it’s a man thing) so I have persuaded him to be my guinea pig. I have consulted my own cardiologist on the safety of this and have been given the ok. However keep in mind I am certified in Nurse Assisting and know how to properly monitor and document my husband’s progress. I do not recommended that anyone substitute Hawthorn Berries as a blood pressure treatment without consulting a health care professional first. Remember your local pharmacist is free and they are always willing to listen and answer any questions you might have. Also those who do not like traditional doctors a Herbalist is the best person to consult.

I will be doing a 12 week study and documenting my husband’s progress in a journal. If you would like to get the weekly updates please follow my FaceBook link:

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I get my Hawthorn Berry Extract from and I buy the 510mg dose by Natures Way

Like all medications and supplements Hawthorn Berries can have side effects. Keep the following precautions in mind:

  • In large doses, it can cause dizziness.
  • Medical supervision is required to take it for those suffering from heart condition.
  • Sometimes it can lead to headache, nausea, and palpitations.
  • Take in recommended doses.
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* Hawthorn is a berry that comes from shrubs of the Rosaceae family.
