Can a Dog Be Born Evil?

Can dogs be evil? There are Pit Bulls and certain breeds of dogs that have been taught to fight and attack. They are not evil. I believe that they are maliciously abused and it is not their fault. I would personally like to get a hold of those who take innocent animals and turn them violent. I am not talking about these cases. What I am wondering about is certain dogs that seem to be truly evil.

This is the true story of a dog that lived on a farm in Indiana. I don’t know all the details but I find it chilling. I will call him Lucifer just to make it easier to follow.

Lucifer was a beautiful black Doberman Pinscher. He was well muscled and sleek. He was an excellent specimen of dog flesh. He lived on an Indiana farm and was the master of the domain. He was raised just like any other dog and was not treated inhumanely Because it was a farm it was not unusual for there to be other dogs and animals of a domestic nature to be born and raised there. It was not uncommon for people to dump their unwanted dogs and cats along the farm and leave them to fend for themselves. Sometimes a little Beagle or Hound Dog would come wandering up to the farmhouse looking for food, love, and care.

Lucifer would befriend these animals and take them under his wing. When the mother of the house would feed the orphaned animals and take a liking to them Lucifer was not jealous. He would act like the Godfather of the little abandoned animals. He would even appear playful and frolic with the little love starved animals.

After several days or hours, the Mama of the house would become concerned because one of the new dogs would disappear. She would call for Blacky, Sweetie, or Punkin and they would not come. She would become perplexed and start searching for them. There was a busy road about a mile away that marked the end of their property. With dread she would make the trip to the road and would find the lifeless body of one of her newly loved dogs. Her heart would be broken and Lucifer would trot along by her side as she made the sad trip back to get the truck to carry the poor little dog back for burial.

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Lucifer would watch as the little body was placed in a hole in the ground. The little dog would be placed next to many other graves of unfortunate victims of the busy road. Mama would cry and Lucifer would lick her hand and quietly walk back to the house with her. She would sit on the step and he would comfort her with his head on her knee.

One day a neighbor farmer came to the house and asked Mama if she had a little Beagle dog that was missing. Mama said with a worried expression on her face. “Well Billy didn’t come up the back door for his morning breakfast.”

The neighbor said, “I don’t rightly know how to tell you this Mary but I saw something kinda strange this morning on the way up the road.” He shuffled, uncomfortable.

That big black dog of yours and Bob’s, Lucifer I think ya call him? Well he was a playing with that little new Beagle you took in. He would run across the road and the little guy would run after him. Then Lucifer would watch for cars and run back and forth. Then it was kinda like he was a waiting and when he saw a car coming he ran just giving the little guy enough time to git hit by the car. I swear he sat on the other side of the road and he looked like he was grinning. I gotta tell you it really spooked me. He went up and pushed the little dead Beagle with his nose, like he was makin sure he was dead. Then he trotted away all proud like.”

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Joe twisted his hat in his hands looking down at his farm boots. ” I have the little dead Beagle in the back of my truck. I am really sorry Mary. At least it was quick.”

Mary was horrified and didn’t want to believe it. Thinking back on the many deaths of the little vagabonds she recalled the incidents. Lucifer did seem to take an almost evil glee in the burials. He would wallow in the extra attention he got on the following days. Bob and Mary both noticed how extra attentive and proud he seemed after the death of one of the dogs.

When Sally became part of the family, a little Terrier mix, Mary watched her like a hawk. She brought Sally in at night and she slept by their bed. Lucifer was just as loving as he had been whenever a new member of the family was brought in. He began to court and woo her and she idolized her hero.

On the morning that Lucifer started down toward the road with Sally eagerly behind him, Mary was on watch. She took the back way around so Lucifer wouldn’t see her. Sure enough she saw the game that Lucifer was playing with Sally. What Lucifer didn’t know was that Mary had borrowed the neighbor’s truck She watched and waited and drove the truck over the hill and Lucifer darted out in front of the truck with just enough time to make it and Sally ran after him. If it had been anyone else she would have been hit and killed. Mary stopped the truck and scooped Sally into her arms and put her in the truck.

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Lucifer bared his teeth in rage and ran toward the truck. It was obvious to Mary that Lucifer had planned to kill little Sally just like all the others before her. She was terrified to think that this dog that she loved was truly evil. She backed up to turn around to take little Sally back to the farm. She was crying with horror and rage.

Lucifer did not see the hay truck coming because he was so full of rage at having his evil plot foiled. He didn’t feel a thing when the truck hit him. Bob and Mary buried his body on the other side of the little pet cemetery because even though they loved him they didn’t want him next to his victims.

I don’t know if this is really how Lucifer died. It isn’t even his real name. I don’t know what they did with the real dog but I hate to think that he was put down even if he was evil. I love dogs and I can’t bear it. Maybe Lucifer wasn’t’ really evil, maybe he was just territorial. I would like to know what you think and if you have ever heard of any stories of evil dogs or animals.
