Campbell’s Supper Bakes Review

There are times when I want a delicious meal, but don’t have the energy to make a large meal from scratch. During those times, I turn to store bought meals that are easy to prepare. These may be skillet meals, TV dinners, or even boxed meals. One boxed meal that I’ve tried a few times is Campbell’s Supper Bakes. I was drawn to this product because it required so little work and you only had to add a few additional ingredients. I was also drawn to this product because it was made by Campbell’s. Every Campbell’s product I have tried in the past have been high quality and Campbell’s Supper Bakes is no exception. But, what makes this product so appealing? Is it because it’s so easy to prepare? Or could it be its quality? Find out what this foodie thinks about Campbell’s Supper Bakes.

Campbell’s Supper Bakes Review: Ease of Preparation

Campbell’s Supper Bakes are so easy to prepare. While every flavor is a little different, all you have to do is mix a few ingredients together to make a bed for chicken breasts or pork chops. This is usually pasta, stuffing, or rice. Then a sauce gets poured over the chicken and the sauce is then sprinkled with a topping. Campbell’s Supper Bakes literally take 5 minutes to prepare, before heading into the oven.

Campbell’s Supper Bakes Review: Taste

I have been impressed with every flavor of Campbell’s Supper Bakes that I’ve tried. The Cheesy Chicken with Pasta and Traditional Chicken with Stuffing are out of this world. Both of these flavors are the perfect way to end a hectic day. You’ll be in comfort food heaven when you serve Campbell’s Supper Bakes.

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Campbell’s Supper Bakes Review: Quality

The quality of Campbell’s Supper Bakes is the same quality as you will find in all the other Campbell’s products. The sauces are delicious, the pasta and rice are wonderful, and the toppings are always quite tasty. This is a product you can definitely feel good about serving your family.

Campbell’s Supper Bakes Review: Price

Campbell’s Supper Bakes cost around $3.50. To me, this price is a bit high when you consider the fact that you have to add meat to the product. That’s why I choose to buy this product when it’s on sale.

Campbell’s Supper Bakes Review: Satisfaction Rating

I would have to give Campbell’s Supper Bakes 4 stars. The only reason I’m giving it four stars is because I’ve sometimes had trouble with the baking times listed on the package. More times than not, the meat has to cook much longer than the package claims. Other than that, Campbell’s Supper Bakes is a wonderful product that I would highly recommend to anyone.
