Business Ideas for Video Editors -Movie Trailers

Large Market
Video editors can generate a large amount of income by making movie trailers. Hundreds of movies are being produced on a daily basis. The best way to get this business idea off of the ground is to start researching the available opportunities for movie trailers in and around your area. Indieslate magazine lists hundreds of movie production listings in each issue. These listings include the contact information for producers and independent filmmakers.

Practice Movie Trailer Editing
One of the most important items that video editors need to start a movie trailer business is a good demo reel. This is a tool that displays your previous work and skills to potential clients. It is a must-have for any video editor that wants to make money creating movie trailers. Your video demo reel should not be more than seven minutes. Demo reels can consist of previous editing projects or movie trailers.

If you have not made any trailers yet, find a movie producer who needs one. Offer to provide your editing services for free. More than likely, the movie producer will accept this offer. After doing this a few times, you will end up with a handful of movie trailers. You will then have enough content to make a great demo reel for your movie trailer business idea.

The editing experience will also help you to become familiar with various movie trailer styles. Every movie is different among dramas, horror, action films and comedies. Knowing how to differentiate these styles for marketing purposes will help you become a good movie trailer editor. Your demo reel should be on DVD, CD and VHS. This allows you to be able to show the video demo reel to anyone in a variety of locations.

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Set reasonable prices
Most of your movie trailer work may come from independent filmmakers in the beginning stages of this business idea. It will be beneficial to set affordable prices for movie trailers. Video editing rates for movie trailers can cost up to $300 for one day. A day’s work is usually 6 to 8 hours. If you set your rates much lower, this will bring in more work. More editing assignments for movie trailers will add up to more money.

Independent filmmakers who have worked with you in the past may return again when they are working on another film. Many movie related jobs are obtained through word of mouth. Setting affordable rates will help your movie trailer editing business in this area. Independent filmmakers will recommend you to their movie producer friends. You will then gain more clients as a result.

Market through film events and networking
The best way to market your movie trailer editing services is through film related events. These gatherings include film festivals and movie screenings. Business cards are crucial to your movie editing business idea. You should always have business cards on hand to give out to people who you meet at events. It is also beneficial to have a website that displays your demo reel and contact information.