Bus Tours: Not Just for Senior Citizens Anymore

Fifty senior citizens, riding a bus for five days, looking out the window to watch the leaves change colors. If that’s you’re impression of a bus tour, think again. The times, they are a-changin’.

If you would have told me a year ago that I would be taking bus tours on a regular basis, I would have thought you were crazy. First, I’m too young; and secondly, what on earth could they offer me?

How I Got Hooked

It all started last fall when my girlfriend’s husband organized a bus charter to one of the area casinos. (We probably would have never gone if it wasn’t a fund-raiser for the American Legion.) It was $25 per person, which isn’t an overwhelming amount of money, so we decided that we would go as a show of support. The bus took us on the hour and a half ride, and when we got there, a casino representative got on the bus to welcome us. Then the rep gave each of us a $5 food voucher and a $20 slot machine voucher. I couldn’t believe it! Now the trip was free! (My motto is: “If it’s free, it’s for me.”, so I was tickled.)

To make a long story short: we had a great time, and it was the first time my husband and I went anywhere without getting into an argument on the way there.

The no-fighting thing was really the impetus behind my bus tour mania. Shortly after we did the casino trip, I saw an ad for a day trip to New York City. So I rounded up Grandma, Grandpa, Hubby, and Son, and off we went to NYC at Christmas-time! We all had a wonderful time and the bus tour thing started to snowball (no pun intended) after that.

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The Up-side of Bus Tours

In my less-than-a-year experience daytrippin’ on bus tours, here’s what I’ve learned:

There are a wide variety of choices available. There are still the fall foliage tours and Johnny Mathis dinner theaters for the senior crowd, but don’t let that turn you off. There’s something to please everyone, even children. For example: trips to amusement parks, sight-seeing in metro areas, and tours of famous attractions (think Niagara Falls, Statue of Liberty, St. Louis Arch, and the like.)

You don’t have to drive, and neither does anyone in your group. This is a key factor for me. My husband and I invariably fight if we’re going anywhere farther than the local grocery store. On bus tours there’s no getting lost, no missing exits, no misreading maps; which equals no fighting. The eternal stop-for-directions debate is moot. Ahh. (That was me, sighing with satisfaction.) No need to worry about where to park, no need to find a parking spot, and no need to pay exorbitant parking fees. Another bonus: you don’t have to drive in major metro traffic. Perfect.

Itinerary or not, it’s your choice. The nice thing about a trip with an itinerary is that admission fees and meals are included. After you’ve paid for the trip the only thing you’ll need money for is souvenirs, which is up to your discretion. Another nice thing is that you don’t have to plan it! Your day is mapped out, hitting major spots of interest, often with guided tours included. Again, no need to get directions or make parking arrangements if you’re visiting several spots- they’ve done it all for you.

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If, on the other hand, you just want a ride and would rather plan your own activities; there are tours that provide that as well. You’ll be able to spend the day as you please, and meet back at the pick-up spot for a ride home.

Enjoy the ride! Sit back, relax. Watch the scenery go by, chat with your traveling companions, read, (write!), take a snooze, have a snack. The down-time is a great way to leave the stress behind you. You can bring a cooler, and a pillow and blanket if you want. The great thing is that you can leave all your stuff on the bus, so plan on setting up a comfortable “camp” for yourself! If you’re traveling with children, they can bring Gameboys or iPods for the ride. I wouldn’t recommend leaving them on the bus, but since their small enough to put in a pocket, it’s no inconvenience to carry them with you.

There’s a bathroom on the bus, just in case you need it. I avoid using it, but I’m glad to know it’s there (you never know when nature will call.) I would recommend bringing air freshener and a small stash of toilet paper- “just in case.

Is it economical? In most cases, yes. We went on a bus tour to a Major League Baseball game. The discounted group rate was 40% off tickets. So the bus ride, a stop for doughnuts, an all-you-can-eat buffet, and first tier seats ended up costing $4 more than just a ticket at regular price. That’s a really good deal! In some cases, if the tour is a ride only, and you’re footing the bill for a family, it may be less expensive to drive the family car and pay for parking. However, if you could put a dollar amount on reducing stress, you may find that a bus tour is still the way to go. You can choose a trip that’s planned out for you, or you can choose a trip that only provides transportation to and from your destination. It all depends on what you’re looking for.

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Check It Out For Yourself!

Whether it’s a family daytrip, a girlfriend get-away, or an all-out vacation, bus tours are a great idea. Look into holiday tours, sight-seeing excursions, plays, concerts, sporting events, and shopping sprees, to name a few. To find tour bus companies in your area, do an internet search or look in your local yellow pages. You can ask to be put on their mailing list so that you know what’s coming up.

Local tours in this area start as low as $18 (to go to The State Fair) and the majority are under $100. Having said that, you may want to consider giving one as a gift. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to create a memory for someone dear to you.