Bugleweed is Simply One of the Greatest Herbs for Relaxing and Regulating Your Heart Rate


Little known facts

The FDA or the United States Federal Drug Administration denies the abilities inherent in bugleweed. If there’s still a question of whether or not you can actually obtain this herb after you read this article, check on one of the herbal resource sites listed below. You can also grow any number of herbs yourself, and bugleweed is no exception.

Bugleweed or water horehound can grow up to 25 inches tall. Growing less than an inch long, the leaves can be irregular in shape.

True effects

With its ability to improve tone in the heart, increase circulation, bugleweed can help increase the flow of nutrients throughout the body.

Bugleweed can relax and regulate your heart rate. I noticed some significant change when I tried this herb. After reading what all this could do, I paid close attention to the beating of my heart. It’s true. My heart rate went from super fast to steady within the next two hours. I wasn’t meditating either.

Bugleweed can help control bleeding, whether it’s from excessive menstruation or internal hemorrhages. I normally don’t have any problems with my lungs bleeding, but if anyone does have such a problem, bugleweed is perfect for you.

If you have an overactive thyroid or if you’ve got hypothyroidism, bugleweed is perfect for you. I’m guessing this magic potion will regulate your thyroid gland.

Disorders, irritations, ailments, and bodily systems treated by Bugleweed

Asthma – This should be self-explanatory. But in case it isn’t, in case you don’t know what it is exactly, I’ll tell you. Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system that constricts a person’s airway. Common symptoms of asthma are wheezing, and coughing.

See also  The Health Benefits of Chamomile

Bleeding in the lungs

Bronchitis – To explain bronchitis, you’ll have to know what the bronchus or bronchi are. The broncus is one of two tree-branch-like pipes (trachea) that are used to transfer air to and from the lungs. Bronchitis is simply an inflammation of mucous membranes in those pipes.

Traumatic bruisesBlood vessels that have become damaged and clotted due to superficial lesions on the skin. But you can also get bruises in deeper areas of the body which are called a “contusion”.

Cardiac problems

Coughs – This should be self-explanatory. A cough is simply when you have a strong and abrupt discharge of air from the lungs.

Colds – Caused by such things as a viral infection of the respiratory tract, the common cold comes with nasal discharge, and sneezing.

Diabetes – A disorder in which the body can no longer metabolize insulin, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Severe conditions require frequent shots of insulin.

Diarrhea – Do we have to describe this ailment? Okay, if we must, we must. Diarrhea is the softening and liquefying of bowel movements. For infants, this ailment can be very dangerous.

Fevers – This should be self-explanatory. But for the sake of argument, let’s go into it anyway. It’s when the body temperature goes rises above the normal 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Goiter – Simply put, a goiter is the enlargement of the thyroid gland, leading to a visible swelling in the front of your neck. There are several types of goiters, including adenomatous goiters, colloid goiters, and toxic goiters.

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Calms the heart – This should be self-explanatory.

Pulmonary hemorrhages – You can have hemorrhages from just about anywhere in or on the body. There are certain types, including accidental or abruption placentae, cerebral hemorrhaging, internal hemorrhaging and secondary hemorrhaging.

Hypothyroidism – This is simply a deficiency in production of the thyroid gland, leading to lower metabolism, intolerance to cold, constipation, dry skin or even hair loss.

Nervous indigestion

Fluid in lungs

Excessive menstruation

Nerves – This should be self-explanatory.

Nosebleeds – This should be self-explanatory.

Pain – This should be self-explanatory.

Pneumonia – This is a dangerous bug, caused by an inflammation of the lungs. This inflammation can be caused by any number of things, including viruses and bacteria. You can even get pneumonia by inhaling certain poisonous gases. Not that I’d ever advise you to inhale said gases.

Sores – An open skin legion of many different types and origins, including bed sores, canker sores, cold sores and pressure sores.

Overactive thyroid

Tuberculosis – A deadly disease that primarily attacks the lungs. Just hope you never catch this bug.

Ulcers – You can get ulcers just about anywhere on your body. Ulcers are open sores of the skin, eyes or mucous membranes. They can leave your skin looking like the surface of some dead, alien planet. It’s really not something you’ll ever want to see. Duodenal ulcers can be found on the first portion of the small intestine. Gastric ulcers are found in the area of the stomach. Mouth ulcers are found in or around the mouth.

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Urinary problems

Herbal First Aide

No home should be without this recipe for an herbal first aide kit.

You must have Aloe Vera. The gel from the plant’s leaves will help in relieving pain, and healing burns and cuts. Believe me, I know this works.

Also, you should have Arnica. Another healing gel that will take the blue out of bruises.

Take Calendula. When taken as a tea, this dry leaf will help clean cuts.

For indigestion, anxiety and insomnia, take some Chamomile in tea form.

You should most definitely take Echinachea if you want to treat the flu or the common cold.

Gingerroot is great for relaxing the stomach, killing nausea, and putting an end to motion sickness.

Keep a bottle of Witch Hazel handy to stop infections, and heal minor burns and rashes.

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Herbal Resources

The Herb Book by John Lust
The Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch
Back to Eden, 2nd Revised Edition by Jethro Kloss & Promise K. Moffet
Children’s Herbal Health by Deanne Tenney
Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook by James Duke, Ph.D
Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine by Michael Nurray, N.D.
Herbally Yours by Penny C. Royal
A Modern Herbal by Mrs. Grieve
Desk Reference to Nature’s Medicine by Steven Foster and Rebecca L. Johnson