Buffalo, NY Ghosts – Haunted Places in Buffalo

Buffalo is New York state’s second largest city. It is located on Lake Erie and has a rich Native-American history. If you’re looking to scare up some ghosts, what follows is a compilation of buildings, parks and cemeteries in the general area to try. Remember to get permission first (if necessary).


The Van Horn Mansion in Newfane (located to the north of Buffalo along Lake Ontario). The legend goes that James Van Horn, the builder of the mansion, lost his 21-year-old wife under mysterious circumstances. During the mansion’s construction, a roofer nearly fell after seeing a woman look out at him from a window of the otherwise empty house. Other carpenters refused to go back inside for their tools after seeing a person materialize out of thin air. Motorists have claimed they have narrowly avoided a girl running out of the mansion, who then mysteriously vanishes.

Keenan Center in Lockport (located just north of Buffalo). People have witnessed mysterious white lights as well as apparitions. Also in Keenan, the Keenan House. Here, a ghost boy has been seen playing throughout the home.

Underground Railroad house in Lockport. This house kept slaves safe during the Civil War. At one point, there was a massacre at this house and everyone was killed. The house was purchased and the owner meant to restore the house into a museum, however, the carpenters stated they saw ghostly presences on site and inside the house. Supposedly, if you go by the house at night, you can see shadowy figures standing guard outside of it.

HH Richardson Building – Buffalo State University Campus. Images and anomalies have been captured by an amateur photographer hoping to document the building’s architecture. He immediately abandoned this project. You can view this footage – regarded now as “The Haunted Film” here: http://www.hauntedfilm.com.

Kings Park Psychiatric center in Buffalo. Many visitors claim to see unexplained images, as well as hearing the voices of patients who’d been tortured and died in the center.

Lancaster Opera House in Lancaster (minutes east of Buffalo) – Patrons, owners and actors have reportedly seen ghosts in the opera house. These ghosts (who are apparently in 20’s and 30’s garb) are fond of turning off lights and they follow people at lock-up time.

McDonald’s in Lewiston, by Niagara Falls. Before this building became a McDonald’s, a man was killed here. If you eat downstairs, they say you can feel his chill and hear his cries for help. Fries with that?

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Igoe Hall, Fredonia State College in Fredonia (south of Buffalo) – Jimmy Igoe, a student at Fredonia, was killed on Lake Erie during a fishing trip. He now supposedly haunts the halls by changing tv channels, turning lights off and on, slamming doors and screwing with the elevator. But, they say, if you ask him to stop, he will.

Holiday Inn on Grand Island (north of Buffalo). I’m not sure if it’s room 1408, but people have rented a room at this hotel (the room is now closed up) and claim that they received a phone call in the middle of the night. What do they hear when they pick up? A little girl laughing.

Former Holy Cross Seminary in Dunkirk (south of Buffalo, near Fredonia). Numerous sightings of an unidentified priest walking on the edge of the weeds by Lake Erie, a rosary in his hand. He appears to be in deep and troubled thought. The vision lasts only a moment, but, witnesses say, is unmistakable.

Roycroft Inn in East Aurora, located south of Buffalo. This inn burned to the ground several years ago. Since then, witnesses have claimed to have heard voices in rooms that are empty, as well as seeing shadowy figures in the main lobby and hallways

Erie County Home and Infirmary in Alden, located just east of Buffalo. Third floor is supposedly haunted. Workers hear noises in vacant rooms. When outside, you can see someone standing in the window. There is no electricity running to the third floor, and yet, lights have been seen on.

Curtis Hall in Daemen College, Amherst (east of Buffalo). Two brothers fought, and hung themselves simultaneously in separate areas of Curtis Hall. Witnesses have felt their presence, and they say the brothers play tricks on people who are there. They tie knots in your shoes, and like to move chairs around.

School #61 in Buffalo. This one’s a bit hard to believe – but supposedly a boy died there in 1975 in the pool. In the room beneath the second floor pool, ceiling tiles fall each year, forming the word “Help.

Shea’s Performing Art Center in Buffalo. A nicely dressed man with a white mustache approaches people who are alone in the building. He says something cordial to them, then when they look to reply, the man has vanished.

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Buffalo Psychiatric Center in Buffalo. This facility has been shut down, but dates back to the 1800’s. Mental patients here had been subjected to unusually cruel treatments. It is believed that these people still roam the building.

Canisius College in Buffalo.Christ the King Chapel – voices are heard in the confessionals; in the basement, an image of an old man was captured on film. Frisch residence hall – The 5th floor – a student who committed suicide here supposedly haunts this hall. Lyons – The 4th floor – supposedly haunted by a nun; people get an eerie feeling while on this floor.

German Roman Catholic orphanage in Buffalo. Amazing orbs of green and orange have shown up in pictures. They are not usual round orbs, but seem to have some sort of static charge to them. Weird noises, as well as the sound of running water permeates the orphanage, although since the 80’s, it has been abandoned.

Lindbergh Elementary in Buffalo. Here, a janitor died in a fire. Children say they hear strange noises and see bright shadows.

Medaille College in Buffalo. Ghost kids from 1944 allegedly walk the halls looking for teachers, and sitting themselves down in the classrooms, waiting to be taught.

Old Genesee County Home and Infirmary in Bethany (east of Buffalo). Over 1,000 people have died in this, what once was, an insane asylum. There is a ton of evidence to suggest these hauntings. Also called Rolling Hills, these folks offer overnight ghost hunts for the not-so-weak hearted.


Cold Springs Cemetery in Lockport. A young woman was murdered nearby, and supposedly, she comes back looking for a better ride.

Whitehaven Cemetery in Grand Island. Many sightings of hauntings here. You might remember the laughing girl from the Holiday Inn, this cemetery is right next door. It is said that her grave stone glows at night. Other stories of a woman who died of AIDS and a Gulf War victim have been told.

Cemetery in East Otto – (1/2 hour south of Buffalo). If your horn starts beeping by itself and starts to shake, it’s probably because there are two women (headless) running and screaming from a man (carrying an axe). Probably best to either watch quietly or head for higher ground.

Pioneer Cemetery in Batavia (1/2 hour east of Buffalo)- This cemetery had to be relocated seventy years ago because of a flooding issue. When the creek overflowed, bodies washed up. Some think not all the cemetery’s residents were relocated. There are businesses where the cemetery used to be. People say they have witnessed people walking along the creek here.

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Parks & Roads

Lyndon Tracks in East Bethany. A filled school bus got stuck on a set of railroad tracks. The bus was hit, and many children died. Legend goes if you stop on the tracks, you’ll get pushed, by the ghost children, safely across them.

Roycroft Pavilion in East Aurora . This is where the Aurora Players are located. Cast and crew say they have felt and seen mysterious images, especially a dark haired woman.

The S.S. Sullivans, Buffalo Naval Park in Buffalo. TFive brothers were killed on this destroyer in WWII. They supposedly turn lights off and on, lock doors and create general mischief.

Grand Island in Buffalo. Haunted by the ghosts of Native Americans. People have experienced strange growls coming from the woods, and a general feeling of malevolence from the area.

Indian Falls in Basom (1/2 hour east of Buffalo) Several people have fallen into the Falls here, and red lights and orbs are seen floating above them.

Devils Hole in Niagara Falls. Many local people will not go down these stairs at night. Mysterious apparitions, Native American, possibly, and the general feeling of being watched is ever-present here.

Clet Hall in Niagara University, Niagara Falls. This hall has burned down many times, and many have died. One of the ghosts is supposedly one of the students who died in a fire here.

Old Airport in Orchard Park. This site is no longer an airport, but an apartment building. While rumors of ghosts have quieted, you could at one time hear howling and people talking in an otherwise empty building.

If you are interested in ghost hunting in the Buffalo area, an excellent resource to try is Mason Winfield Ghost Tours. I look forward to hearing about your paranormal experiences!
