Bud Light Beer Vs. Regular Bud

My beer reviews will continue. If you’ve read any of my other articles, you’d know that I decided to embark on a beer review journey after tasting Coors Lite Beer. I was quite surprised to find that Coors Lite was so delicious. Previously I was only drinking Michelob Ultra. Honestly, I will always appreciate Michelob Ultra because it’s only 95 calories a bottle. Unfortunately, my husband couldn’t find it when he bought beer for us one night and he got me Coors Lite. Coors Light weighed in at 102 calories. I was thoroughly surprised to find though that Coors Lite flavor was really good and full. The buzz was decent for a light beer as well. I was shocked to find that 7 calories made that much difference. But, I guess it does.

Well, next up was Bud Light. Budweiser regular is my husband’s favorite beer next to a few Sam Adams varieties or Guiness Stout. It’s just that those beers aren’t really affordable on a regular basis. We get those special beers about once every 4 months just to have our favorites for a treat. But, for a regular option; Budweiser is the best we’ve found. The price is always right for us and we can get a box that will last us for awhile. To be honest; I enjoy regular Bud too. I think the flavor is really full and delicious for a regular canned, non-specialty beer. But, the only thing that I don’t like about regular Bud is that the calorie count is 140 per beer. If you plan to drink more than one and you’re planning to maintain your figure, you have skip a meal or make sure your exercising every day.

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For that reason I just find Bud to be too heavy to be my preferred beer. I prefer the lighter beers. Bud regular does provide a superior buzz to all of the lights though. If a non-alcoholic beverage is a zero and a Bud regular is a 10, a Bud light is 5. That’s not bad.

Now people may assume that since the Bud Regular gives you more of a buzz that you will want to drink less of it. But, alcohol rarely works that way. Any other server who’s sat through TIPS training knows what I’m talking about. The more inebriated you get, the more alcohol you feel you can have. So I find that if I drink Bud Regular I drink more; but if I drink a light beer I drink less because it’s more of a mellow buzz as opposed to a heavy one that clouds my judgement. It all depends on what a person is looking for from their beer and from their experience. I find the light beer is my preference for those reasons.

As far as flavor goes for me I would put Bud Light just ½ to 1 point above Coors Light. I could go for either one at any given time.