Breuss Cancer Treatment is it Effective or Just a Way to Sell Books

There has been some controversy over the internet on the Bruess Cancer Treatment. Some persons are swearing by this new found “miracle cure” while others are wondering is this just a way for another author to hawk a book. So I decided to do what I do best and put on the halo complete with devil horns and see what it is all about and if there is any substantiated proof to this new cure.

The Rudolf Breuss cancer cure is to be vastly recognized. Okay, I admit it is the first time I have really heard of it and I write alternative medicine news nearly every day and all year long. This book which reports the cure has said to of sold over one million copies. Then again to tune into reality for a minute and no offense to the author himself, where there is a disease or condition and a new alternative approach to a cure persons will buy it. It is human nature it is also the need and desire to be free of whatever condition or disease is plaguing our bodies. However, the information splashed all over the world wide web states it is simple and effective method to heal from cancer and other diseases while blustering the fact that it does indeed has endorsements of over 45,000 persons who were cured. If it turns out this is the “miracle cure” then there is over 45,000 people who are no longer afflicted with cancer or other chronic conditions which would make it a marvelous wonder to medical science.

In any information on Mr. Bruess it states he is a healer from Australia and an electrician 1899-1998. His laid claims is this treatment will work due to the fact you are starving the cancer. Evidently while the cancer starves so does the person. There is no food consumption allowed for forty-two days. The only thing allowed is vegetable juice and tea and even that is in low amounts. The most you can have in one day is half of a liter which basically equals just a little over two cups each day.

Mr. Breuss had derived his theory that cancer feeds upon and grows due to feeding of protein in the body. His conclusion was then if one fasted of a time frame consisting of forty-two days in duration in which of course the drinking of herbal teas and juices provide detoxification to the system to cleans and purify, the cancer would simply starve its-self to death. At first it was said to be a primitive thought but now it is said that it is used all over the entire world. Which could be true then again look at Kombucha Tea it was stated to treat cancer and other disease as well. Then came those scientific studies that dispelled that thought of reasoning.

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Raw fruits and vegetables have always been included in alternative medicine and for the most part in the general populace. We are all aware that they carry antioxidant in which help to main a persons’ health and help fight various diseases and conditions. It is with this thought in mind that the Bruess Cancer Cure came to light.

The Bruess Tea Mix and for just a special note here you can actually purchase it for around fourteen dollars at most health food stores. It is a certain type of mixture which is to contain organically grown carrot, beet root, celery, Chinese radish and potato. It comes in liquid form said to contain all the minerals and vitamins a person requires while they are fasting.

The Bruess Vegetable Juice is said to be used in all aspects of diseases in which you drink for a short time length and can actually consume food. However, this depends on how serious the condition is, which brings up the question who determines how serious the condition is which is present. According to Mr. Bruess everything has a cure.

Mr. Bruess had been taken to court by Australian medical fraternity that his cure was to simple and inexpensive to work. It is stated Australian President Rudolf had stood up for Bruess and his cure. Unfortunately, I cannot find any government documents to prove or disprove this claim.

The therapy consists of homemade juices and the recipe can be located all over the internet. However, remember taking this does not ensure a miracle cure and it is always best to check with your healthcare practitioner before trying any alternative treatments especially in the areas of fasting.

The cancer treatment promoted by Bruess is available in three books. However, publishers could have changed information from the original submission, left out parts or added to the book. Reference in this is that the book when translated for English did not mention that he did advocate using radiation and injections while taking his cure.

Interesting thing to this cancer cure is that when doing an internet search for cancer treatment centers or physicians using this treatment there are none that I can find that use it as part of their treatments.

The Felix Burda Foundation in Germany has its own thoughts on the Breuss Cancer Cure. In summary they state that this diet is founded on middle age beliefs concerning disease and reaction of juices. The theories are not reasonable. They do agree with the fact that fresh squeezed juices are healthy because they do provide the main minerals and vitamins the body requires. However, this is only relevant if you already have a proper diet. That this diet of Mr. Breuss has no guarantees. They also state that some of the vegetables which he recommend contain dangerous substances such as nitrate especially when the patient is increasing the consumption of it when they are already in a weak state due to the disease.

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Cancer patients need a well balanced diet especially when undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. It is important to maintain the proper nutrition so the body has the ability to fight the disease. Unfortunately, there a lot of so called “cancer diets” out there which are just praying on those who are so desperately looking for a fast, effective and positive cure to their condition.

Some not so promising cancer diets:

Gerson Diet

This diet was developed by a German physician Max Gerson. The diet is completely low calorie and it contains three major parts: fresh food, special agents and enemas. During the day the patient receives a raw vegetarian diet with freshly squeezed fruit juice. They are also allowed various kinds of coffee with castor oil. Salt and fat consumption is drastically restricted. At times they are not allowed protein, iodine or vitamin C. The problem with the diet is many cancer patients cannot handle the consumption of raw food. This can just increase the anorexia issue among cancer patients even higher than what it already is. Needless to say only private facilities now offer this treatment within the United States to a price tag of $4,800 dollars each week. Health insurance providers will not pay for this treatment. However, there is the Gerson Expense Provider who will be more than happy to take the money.

Gonzales Diet

The Gonzales Diet founded by New York physician Nicholas Gonzales. This diet boots it can stop cancer cells from growing in the pancreas by enzymes. Just simply take his pills and a coffee enema to go.

This diet did not cure cancer only brought out harm for pancreatic cancer patients and destroyed a lot of hopes. One woman who had uterine cancer had received a damage award of $2.5 million dollars in the United States in 1997. She was told by Mr. Gonzales to stop all chemotherapy and radiation treatments and just fight the cancer with nothing but enzymes. Needless to say this advice was not sound.

His diet is can be found online at cancer active. This diet is currently undergoing research for patients with cancer of the pancreas in order to try and benefit patients who do not respond to conventional treatments. The Gonzales Trail Protocol (phase three study) is to last five years and is still ongoing.

The one that really caught my attention was the Kelley Cancer Therapy. It sounded very similar to Breuss Cancer Cure. The main essential element here is raw pork pancreas consumed about fourteen times each day in small amounts.

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Dr. William Kelley by professional training is a dentist. His approach contains three main fundamentals which are nutrition, detoxification and taking supplements of pancreatic enzymes. Dr. Kelley’s program also cleans the liver, gallbladder, intestines, kidneys and lungs. Basically it is similar to most metabolic treatments. However, he does advocate some manipulation therapies such as chiropractic. Spirituality is also strong in his treatment advocating the fact to patients to acknowledge they have malignant cancer and recovery is possible. That with the higher power you can reestablish your health.

The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine has numerous issues with this therapy. None of which are flattering in any way. Among them:

There is no evidence to support the fact cancer grows in anaerobic environment.

There is no evidence to support that taking pancreatic enzymes peruse cancer cells and then eliminate them.

There are million and one fast known claimed cures running around out in the vast land of the world today. Just because it sounds to good to true does not mean it is however, on the other hand it does not mean it is true either. Be cautious of treatments that offer instant miracle cures not only in cancer but other disease as well. They rank among those loose weight fast diet schemes that are still running around and still having consumers buying them or trying them in order to achieve one main goal.

Read all information carefully not just the hopeful parts that offer “said” testimonials to the treatment being effective but also any and all research you can get your hands on. Always consult your healthcare practitioner before trying any alternative treatments to help with your disease or condition.

In the meantime I am sure we will run across more “miracle” cures. The question you need to ask yourself is this really an effective cure or just some hype trying to reel persons in who are seeking that final hopeful solution that will actually work.

Brings back to the old saying buyer beware. This is more like patient be careful awarness.


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Rudolf Breuss Cancer Cure

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