Breast Enhancement Products and Tips in Japan

The Japanese, as a whole, are really into their looks. When I lived there, I was constantly inundated by cosmetics ads and beauty salon hand-outs. If you ride the trains, you will see both men and women impeccably dressed and manicured and rouged. Recently, one of the most popular items among women has been breast products. Everything from shimmery creams that enhance your bust-line, to special bras that claim to improve the circulation of blood to your breasts, to pills that contain blends of herbs that purportedly enlarge your breasts. At one point, there was a gum called B-2 Up that was extremely popular, although I must admit, I have not heard about it nor have I seen it recently. One of my friends claims that the pills do indeed work, at least the ones she tried. She told me that the key is to find ones with the right ingredients, and also, to give them some time to work. For her, it took a month to feel the effects, and about 3 months to notice growth. The growth is not immediate! So don’t fall for products that promise growth within a week or two; those could possibly be bogus.

So, here goes some tips, straight from Japan for natural breast enhancement! Not only does my friend swear by the pills, but she also believes in daily maintenance. Read for further details!

1) Breast massage. You do not want to forgo this crucial step. This allows for better circulation, to ensure that your pathways are not blocked. When you massage, notice where you hold tension. If you hold tension in the middle of your chest, gently massage this area. Do breast massages 2 or 3 times a day, to supplement your pill regimen.

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2) Posture. Pay attention to how your hold yourself. If you stoop, your breasts will begin to droop. My friend has impeccable posture, and she’s always conscious about keeping her shoulders back and her chest held high.

3) The herbal ingredients. If you don’t feel like paying what can be astronomical prices for these herbal blends, you can experiment with each individual herb by getting them at a specialty health food store, like GNC.

Pueraria Mirifica: This plant is from Thailand and is said to contain potent phytoestrogens. While I have never seen this herb in the States, it is certainly a staple in many breast enhancement pills in Japan. In addition, I see it in many skin-enhancing pills here, so I’m guessing the estrogenic effects help improve the skin.

Wild Yam: Wild yam is said to contain hormone precursors to estrogen and progesterone. Both are needed to cause breast growth, so Wild yam would be a great supplement to your breast-enhancement regimen.

Saw Palmetto: Not only does Saw Palmetto help with acne (it really does!), but it also works to enlarge breasts. It’s in almost every single breast enhancement pill I’ve ever seen. It’s said to block the conversion of testosterone to the androgen form DHT. Some women are sensitive to DHT, and so may sprout facial hairs and get acne. This would most likely go hand-in-hand with less-than-full breasts. So saw palmetto ensures that your testosterone activity doesn’t get out of hand and give you “male” attributes.

Fenugreek: This herb is often used to increase milk supply in nursing mothers, due to its strong hormonal effects. Once you take it for a while, you may notice a sweet, maple syrup-y smell being emitted from your body. It’s certainly not unpleasant, but it is something my friend commented on.

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Dandelion: Not only is Dandelion great for keeping your liver healthy, but it also has estrogenic effects! I remember drinking Dandelion tea for a while during a liver flush, and I remember my breasts getting larger. I looked it up and was surprised to see that it does have effects on hormonal activity.

These are the top ingredients listed in the uber-popular Japanese breast enhancement products. If you’re thinking about trying them, remember to do your own thorough research, as this is a brief overview and is in no way conclusive. Good luck!