Breakouts! a Guide to Clearing Your Skin

Breakouts can be very frustrating. Some people can feel ashamed, embarrassed, or even have low self-esteem due to the way they feel about their skin when it’s broken out. Here are some things that you can do to get control of your skin, and prevent it from negatively taking over how you feel about yourself.

If you have painful or cyst-like lumps on your skin, see a dermatologist. This can be more serious than just a breakout, and may need medical attention.

1. If you’re on medication, check with your doctor or pharmacist if it has any side effects that may be the cause of your breakouts.

2. Change your pillowcase every night. This will prevent contact of dirt and oil from your hair rubbing back onto your face. If it’s not possible to change it every single night, try every other night. You can use one side of the pillow one night; flip it over the next night, then change the pillowcase the following day.

3. Wash your face before you go to sleep. Use a gentle cleanser (like Neutrogena, Aveeno, or Cetaphil.) This will assure your skin will have no excess oil or makeup residue to transfer from your face to the pillow, and back again. If you have a lot of makeup on, first use an oil-free makeup remover, then follow with the cleanser.

4. Wash your face when you wake up. This will assure anything accumulated while you slept will be washed away. Just don’t overdo it. Washing your face too much can over dry and cause your skin to produce more sebum, which may in turn cause more pimples.

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5. Keep your hair out of your face whenever possible, especially while you sleep. This will assure that no hair oil is getting into your face. Use a headband, hair wrap, curlers, ponytail, or pig tails…whatever you like to do!

6. Avoid wearing makeup whenever possible. Makeup can clog pores and add to your problem. If you just cannot do without it, (like a lot of us do!) then try to choose a water-based makeup.

7. Moisturize! Don’t be afraid to use moisturizer when you have breakouts! Your skin needs it. Try to find a brand that is oil-free and non-comedogenic (which basically means ‘won’t clog pores’).

8. Spot treat. If you have pimples here and there, or a cluster of pimples, use a spot treatment. There are many brands out there to choose from. Clean & Clear makes one called Advantage Acne Spot Treatment. Neutrogena also makes On-the-Spot Acne Treatment. Both are average $6 – $7 per tube. Just make sure to follow the directions. These can over dry if used too much.

9. WATER, WATER, WATER! Water is essential for clear, healthy skin. It keeps your body hydrated. It flushes toxins and waste from your body. But, how much should you drink? There are so many different people, websites, resources that say many different things. But, as a rule of thumb, aim for at least eight 8oz glasses of water per day.

10. Take your vitamins. They are vital to the health of your skin. Choose a multivitamin that has a variety of vitamins and minerals in it. Make sure it includes vitamin A (beta-carotene) and zinc. Deficiencies in either of these have been shown to cause acne.

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11. Wash your hands before your touch your face. If at all possible, avoid touching your face altogether. Whatever you touched was surely touched by someone else and who knows what they were touching! Now, you don’t want who-knows-what on your face, do you?

12. Get a facial. A facial is a great way to deep clean your skin. A professional Esthetician (or Facialist) can analyze your skin thoroughly and suggest treatments and products that best suit your skin type.

Don’t expect results overnight. Be patient, your skin needs time to heal. Give it a few weeks, and you should notice your skin getting more healthy and clear.