Book Review of “The Search” by Nora Roberts

New York: G. p. Putnam’s Sons, 2010.

I just love having my wheelchair; because now I can travel all over the four story Walker University Library to check out books again. I’m feeling so blessed that I can have so many reading choices again and all books are free to use. I just love libraries in general and my wheelchair in particular. Even after my coat caught on the joystick the controls my wheelchair, while I was reaching for this book and I was slammed into the book shelves, I still feel blessed. Bruised, but blessed. My find on my latest trip was a Nora Roberts book that I haven’t read already; this is a rare find because I usually keep up with her books.

Nora Roberts is an exceptional romance suspense author and I will not be giving anything away when I tell you that this is a girl meets boy then problems occur that have to be solved so they can be one. That’s her usual formula and it works for me. This reminds me of a funny scene from season four of Quantum Leap, from the show called “Play Ball.” Sam doesn’t understand why Al would want to watch a baseball game that he already knows what was going to happen. Al’s reply was something along the lines of “I knew what was going to happen when I took (I can’t remember the woman’s name) to the file room, but I still did it.” The same principle applies here. Nora Roberts’ manages to hold my interest to the end because I love her characters and want the best for them.

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Fiona Bristow, a strong self-sufficient woman, who is an outstanding dog trainer, is our heroine. She and her dogs are Canine Search and Rescue Association volunteers. I don’t want to tell you much about her back story because I might give away too much, but I do want to tell you that a decade ago, Fiona was kidnapped by a serial killer. She was the only victim who survived, and she did so by getting away from him. Like I said, Fiona is a strong woman, who can take care of herself.

She now lives on Orcas Island which is off the coast of northern Washington State and runs her business from her home. She has three labs: Peck, Newman and Bogart. Does anyone notice the pattern? If I was in charge of naming the dogs, their names would be Stewart, Grant and Peck. At the beginning Fiona and Peck are sent on a search and rescue mission to find a missing five year old boy. It is oblivious that both enjoy the challenge of finding their person. All though the book Nora Roberts writes about the labs so they are major not minor characters. Even if you are a cat person you will enjoy these lovable, loyal dogs.

Simon Doyle, a cranky man who is honest to the point of being rude, is an exceptional artist who uses wood to make furniture, bowls, sinks and sells them at a price that is way out of my range. From the way Nora Roberts describes his works; I would love to have one or more of his pieces in my home. Before I forget, Simon has a puppy he named Jaws, a loveable charmer. Jaws has chew toys he hasn’t used, but he has chewed his way out of his metal crate and he is working his way through every thing Simon owns including his brand new truck, and his tools. Jaws isn’t housebroken either. If you are wondering why Simon doesn’t just get rid of puppy that’s driving him nuts, he feels he can’t because his mother gave Jaws to him. This is a hint that our grumpy hero is soft hearted.

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Our couple meets when Simon becomes desperate for help in making Jaws behave so he seeks Fiona out. She takes on the job, but soon Simon realizes that Jaws isn’t the only one being trained. Personally I don’t know if I met someone like Simon whether I would realize that he is a sweetie despite his cranky ways. Fiona however is able to see past all that to fall in love with Simon or perhaps it’s just hormones kicking into gear. There is a lot of dialogue between Simon and Fiona, so no matter that he grumpy Simon is willing to talk. This is another plus in Simon’s favor. I have a quote for you that will give you a greater understanding why Simon is so lovable despite his manner. After Jaws sticks his head out the truck window “”Why do you do that?” Simon wondered. When Jaws banged his tail against the seat in answer, Simon stuck his head out his own window. “Huh. Feels pretty good, actually. Next time you drive and I’ll catch the breeze.”” Enough about Simon.

Bottom line: Sometimes I just like a well written fun read and Nora Roberts has delivered that in this book “The Search.”
