Bipolar Disorder: Alternative Treatments

As someone who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I have tried and researched many different treatment options. I would like to share with you the various methods of treating bipolar disorder that I have researched.

Please take into account that none of the following treatments should be practiced alone or without medical supervision. A doctor, psychiatrist and support network are necessary in the treatment of bipolar disorder.

Self-Treatment as an Alternative Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

I fell victim to the theory that “You are doing this to yourself” and “It’s just mind over matter.” I desperately tried to be normal; I tried to mimic what others did, and most of the time I felt that I was doing a pretty good job of managing my mood swings. It wasn’t my fault that no one wanted to be my friend and I couldn’t keep a job to save my life.

The more I tried to be normal, the more I blamed everything on everyone else. Deep down I knew that I was going about everything the wrong way. Nothing is worse than driving away all of your family and friends, especially when depression hits and there is no one left to turn to.

If you feel that self-treatment is right for you, I strongly suggest you talk to you friends, family and co-workers and get some outside perspective. More often than not those of us with bipolar disorder do more damage to those around us than we do to ourselves.

Alternative Medication as an Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

I believe that mother earth contains the cure to every disease on this planet; we just have to find it. I also believe that under the guidance of an alternative nutrition specialist, wonderful things can be accomplished. Please note that if you prefer alternative medications, you still need to regularly visit your physician and let them know what medications you are taking.

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Unfortunately, I just ran out and bought supplements that were rumored to help with mental health, without doing any research for myself. Not a good idea. I quickly learned that I was allergic to some of the most common mental health supplements and discovered that really bad things can happen within one’s mind if they take something that is not meant for a particular illness.

I know a few people who use alternative remedies and supplements in their treatment program and are doing quite well. It is very important that you speak to your doctor and psychiatrist beforehand, they may be able to suggest an Alternative Nutrition Expert in your area.

Light Therapy as an Alternative Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

Phototherapy, Light Therapy or Light box Therapy is a relatively new form of alternative therapy for bipolar disorder as well as many other mental illnesses. I have a few friends that have been prescribed light therapy by their doctors. During their therapy they sit in front of a light box for 20-40 minutes, while sipping their morning coffee or while checking their email. The light box is simply an especially designed bright light that is built into a box that helps direct the light towards the patient.

Personally, I have not tried a light box but I did make some changes to my daily routine based on the clinical trials. I painted the brown paneled walls in house bright colors such as off-white, yellow and pastel green. I replaced all of the light bulbs in the main rooms of the house to 100 watt energy efficient bulbs. I began opening the curtains every morning and I would go outside to have my morning coffee.

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Normally winter is a horrible time for me, I get depressed, I keep the curtains closed, and my house literally goes to shambles. Last fall I was able to make all of the above changes before winter hit and although I still had my fair share of depression, it was nothing like years past. I strongly suggest light therapy to anyone suffering from any form of depression.

There are so many forms of alternative treatments for bipolar disorder that I could ramble on forever. But these three are the ones I personally have had the most experience with. I hope this information helps you or your loved ones through the struggle that is bipolar disorder.


Bright Light Therapy – Psych Central

Bipolar Disorder Natural Therapy

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)

National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI)