Biography of Jan Karon

Jan Karon is the author of the Mitford Series, which is all about Father Timothy, and his life. This was one of my favorite series to read. If you want to read books that are free from sex, and profanity, than Jan Karon’s books would be a good choice. Her characters are so realistic, and as you read, you will discover that they have real life problems and bad times as well as good ones. Father Tim, in the beginning of this series is a bachelor. His life changes soon after that however, when he makes friends with Cynthia, his next door neighbor.

Jan was born in the city of Lenoir, North Carolina in 1937. Jan had one other sibling Brenda that was younger than her. Her maternal grandparents raised both girls. When both girls were real young, they went to live on a farm. Jan had a deep interest in writing then, and she started to write a book at the age of 10 years old. Jan had a difficult life since when she reached the 8th grade, she had to leave school in order to earn money already. Jan was just 17 years old herself when she was already married and had her own child, Candace, who is now a photojournalist.

Jan kept up with her writing, and when she was 18, got a job as a receptionist. Jan liked to write and then show her boss at that job, her work. After she persisted to show her boss her writing work, it landed her a better job with advertising and special assignments both in San Francisco California, and also New York. Jan went on with this advertising job for about 40 years.

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One of the things I found interesting about Jan Karon was that while she was a Methodist growing up, she didn’t really give her life to God until the age of 42. She suppressed the longing to sit down and really write books until she was about 51, and it seemed then that the doors opened up for her.

Finally, in about 1990, Jan quit her job for the advertising agency, and went on to start writing novels. She moved to North Carolina, and moved to a small town known as Blowing Rock. Jan wrote that when she just moved there, Blowing Rock immediately felt like it had been home. This is where she picked up the ideas for writing her Mitford novels, which was a perfect setting. Jan’s first book became published in 1994, which was “At Home in Mitford.

Jan has not only written adult books, but she has a number of books for children as well. In 1998,” Miss Fannie’s Hat was out”, and there are also a few others.

I HIGHLY recommend these books to anyone who loves to read. One of these days, I may just re-read the whole series myself!