Binge Eating Disorders and How to Help Those Suffering with Them

When I was in high school, a friend of mine suffered from a binge eating disorder, which eventually turned into full blown bulimia. She would eat massive quantities of junk food, then start acting very strangely. Eventually, she would run off by herself to a bathroom where she would then make her herself throw up in an attempt to avoid gaining weight from the binge. It was very self destructive behavior which would cause her to avoid eating all together some days, until she would faint from weakness from not eating. Unfortunately, at the time, being so young myself, I wasn’t aware of any ways in which to help her. If someone you know suffers from a binge eating disorder, it is important to try to get them to seek help.

Binge eating disorders are considered to be a psychiatric type of disorder. Also known as compulsive eating or “emotional” eating, the person suffering from a binge eating disorder may eat large quantities of food during times of boredom, stress, or depression. After the person has gorged on large amounts of food, they may experience feelings of shame or guilt, and feel disgusted with themselves for their actions.

This can lead the binge eater to take action to “undo” what they just did, usually through means of purging. Purging is a dangerous practice of inducing vomiting or taking laxatives to try to rid the body of the food they consumed, in order to try to prevent gaining weight. This binging and purging type of eating disorder is known as bulimia nervosa. This is extremely unhealthy and can even lead to death if the behavior continues. This is why it is so important to learn how to stop binge eating before it gets completely out of control.

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Most binge eaters tend to suffer from feelings of depression. More women than men suffer from binge eating disorders and more often those who are overweight than within a normal weight range, although it can affect anyone regardless of gender, age, or weight.

The first step in how to stop binge eating is to focus on finding the root of the underlying problem responsible for causing this behavior. The person with the eating disorder needs to realize why they are over eating and consciously try to refrain from emotional types of eating. They should pay attention to whether they are eating because they are truly hungry or if the eating was triggered by something emotional.

The binge eater should clear their home of anything unhealthy. Cookies, candy, cupcakes, potato chips and so on, should all go. Stock the home with healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, and avoid the sweet, high calorie foods that may tempt the binge eater into a compulsive eating spree. Fill up on water to fill full or go for a healthy snack instead of something unhealthy.

Eat light, small meals five time per day, as opposed to going heavier with three main meals. The binge eater should always be sure to eat breakfast and not skip the morning meal, as this sets the groundwork for the day and helps start the day off on the right track. Eating breakfast tends to help most people prevent themselves from overeating later in the day.

Exercise is another important factor in how to stop binge eating. Not only is exercise good for the body, it tends to make you feel good, both physically and mentally , by triggering the production of endorphins in the brain. The endorphins tend to make people feel happier, therefore, helping to lift the cloud of depression that could be behind the binge eating.

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If you or someone you know is struggling with a binge eating disorder, it is important to seek help. Talk to your doctor, or trusted friend or family member. Seek professional counseling if you cannot seem to conquer the disorder on your own. Self hypnosis has also been used as an effective form of stopping binge eating disorders.

Binge eating disorders are very harmful to your health and can ultimately lead to death. The binge eater should seek help so that they can get their life in order and learn how to stop binge eating, so they can live life to the fullest.