Best Ways to Make Money Online in 2012

With the economy in the condition it’s in right now it’s no wonder that thousands of people are looking for ways to make money online. so here are a few GREAT ways to make money today!

Youtube– first make sure that you have permission to use any music in your video and then go at it, you can make a video of anything! If you upload videos that Youtube thinks could make money they will send you an invite to be partners, if not you can apply. The way you make money with youtube all depends on how many visitors you get and how many videos you have so take time to make sure it’s content that has an audience, and be constant with uploading so you keep your viewers. there are countless articles (and even youtube videos) that give you tips on how to make successful videos.

Blog– This one is not for the person who wants to make money right away, it will take anywhere from 6 months – 2 years to make a real profit from a blog that doesn’t sell anything. You can choose a blogging platform that is free and choice a topic that you are interested in so that you won’t loose interest quick. and again be consistent. post a blog once a day or once a week or how ever often you want but set a goal and stick to it and do what you can to promote it, contests, tutorials, guest writers, and if you have affiliate accounts with retail sites, include those items/links only when appropriate, the reader can tell if the content is just a front to get you to click stuff and they won’t come back.

Referral Agent- This is where you join a site that promotes trial offers. the site i’ve used with success is instant payday there’s a video there that explains it all way better than I could

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Yahoo Content– used to be Associated Content and it’s great for those who love to write, or those who have stuff to write about. They pay upfront and performance or one or the other. If you write a good article you can receive pay on that continuing for years to come, they also have assigned articles that you can accept and write (which is great for those who have trouble coming up with ideas)

Pinterest- This is the newest of the social networking sites, and it’s purpose is to give users a place to group interests, items, ideas and such together in boards and to share with others, follow others and pin again and again. The way to make money on pinterest is to use it for ways to advertise your blog, articles, videos or to use as a place to pin items you have affiliate links for, but with the items, make sure they are really items you like or would promote and be sure to participate in pinning other items, not just your own or you won’t get followers. The more followers you have the more people who see and potentially click on your pins.

Etsy and Ebay- this is simple but you need a few things 1-an item to sell . 2-a paypal account. 3- a sellers account. and you can use pinterest to advertise these items too.

Amazon- not just a great place to buy things, you can do amazon mechanical turks and make a few pennies for tasks that might be really easy for you. and you can sign up as an affiliate (for free) and do what you can to sell the items. I have a fashion blog where I list celebrity outfits and show my readers how to copy it for less- and I use amazon to find those pieces when possible. my site is still new but if you want to check it out here it is. celebritycopy I’d love feedback and comments on it, maybe even some constructive criticism

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Surveys and emails and secret shopping- first off, NEVER pay for one of these, the REAL ones are free! Inbox dollars is a good one, another is Pine cone research (they pay 3.00$ a survey) but they only send 3-5 a month, still, it’s easy money, and last I checked it was invite only but if you send me a message i’ll send you an invite next time pine cone is adding new people (every now and then they send a message that we can send to friends and family to invite them to join and it’s been a while so I’m probably gonna get one soon) and there are some great secret shopper sites that even call you up when there is a job in your area, there’s a lot to do to get paid for these jobs but there is money to be made for sure!

Zazzle This is one of my fav sites ever! it allows you to make items online (no inventory needed) and the items are made upon order, you customize things and place them in your store, you can even add photos to canvas and create your own custom wedding invites or christmas cards! I’ve waisted a million hours on this site. Only sold a few items but then I haven’t really advertised anything so I’m sure i could increase that if I put out a bit of effort. Super fun site for gifts.

There are I’m sure a million more ways to make money online but these are the ones that I’ve tried and had success on, or have close friends who’ve made money on them. I may have to try a few new ones and do a follow up article in a few months but for now those are my recommendations.

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