Best Way to Sell Used Textbooks

Once the semester ends you will wonder what to do with the used textbooks you have. You can always sell them back to the school at a very small fraction of the price you paid but there are other resources that might bring you a little more cash.


At eBay you would need to list your college text books in this online auction community. You will have to pay a small listing fee but that fee is never much more than a dollar or two. You can run your auction for 1-14 days. With college textbooks I suggest running it for 14 days to give your book enough time to be seen by many people. Then these people will bid on your used college textbooks and the highest bidder wins. Make sure that you take into account the amount of shipping it will take so send the book to someone else. You can use media mail, which is the cheapest way to send any kind of media within the United States. You will be paid for your book, usually more than the college library would have given you. Then you will ship the book and you have more cash for your used textbook.


Amazon is very similar to eBay. The main difference is that instead of people bidding like they would on eBay you set a firm price on your used textbook and if someone sees your book and agrees to the firm price you have set then they will instantly buy it. When considering the price you will set for your book you should find out the used book price the library will give for each book, you then need to under sell your book by about $25. This is enough of a savings to another student and will put extra cash in your pocket.

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Myspace is a great resource to connect with other students that go to your school. This is also a great way to sell your used textbooks without having to ship them. In you school section there is a place to list your used textbooks. I would again list them for $25 less than what your school is selling them for. If someone needs them they will contact you via your myspace page. You can then set up a time for them pick up the books and pay you. A great perk about using myspace is there is no fee to list your items

Posting An Ad

Many schools offer bulletin boards where students can post events, news and things for sale. This is a great way to connect with other students right in your college. You can type up a list of used textbooks you have, the prices you want for them and then print the ad. Take it to the school and post your ad on the bulletin board. Someone will call you and both of you will get a great deal.