Best Places for Part-time or Temporary Jobs in Denver, Colorado

Looking for some extra money? There are lots of places to work in Denver. Here are a few of my favorites to get you started. Sporting Events and Concerts: Did you know that over 5,000 people work at the Denver Bronco games? Companies like Centerplate, Aramark and CSC need people to work in security, concessions, guest relations, bartending and more! Some of these are just seasonal positions, while others can be year round. It just depends on the venue. To get started, look up the companies I mentioned and see if they are hiring. You can also call the venue, like the Pepsi Center, Invesco Field at Mile High, the Convention Center and Coors Amphitheatre, inquire about their vendors and get contact information. Retail: ‘Tis the season for holiday shoppers and that means that stores need more employees to handle the long lines of shoppers. It’s not too late to get hired on and since Denver has so many malls, you’ll have plenty of locations to choose from. Check the department stores like Macy’s, JC Penney’s and Sears. Best Buy always brings on people at the holidays, along with fun stores like Bath and Body Works, The Gap and Hallmark. An employee discount is a great perk to help with your shopping list, too. Just be careful that you don’t spend all your earnings shopping while you work!
Craigslist: Haven’t discovered this fantastic community yet? On Craigslist you can find everything from items for sale to community events and job listings! You’ll find jobs in every possible field, including some you’ve never even though of. I’ve picked up several temporary gigs that way, including a job at the Bronco games.

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Staffing Agencies: This is a great route to take for temporary jobs in offices, warehouse and manufacturing. You might even find yourself working a weekend gig at a Bridal Fair, like I did once. Check the yellow pages or on-line for a list of companies. Over the years, I’ve worked for Office Team, Talent Tree, Apple One and the Job Store. Never sign up with a staffing agency that asks you to pay a fee. Fees are paid by the employer, not you.
Mystery Shopping: You’ve probably heard about it and wondered if it’s legitimate. And yes, it is. I’ve been doing it for several months now and earn $5-25 per shop. It’s easy and takes less than an hour. Examples of mystery shops I’ve done are, evaluating apartments, cellular phone stores/kiosks, restaurants, retail stores and convenience stores. You need to be detailed, observant and able to follow simple directions. Most companies use web-based forms and reports. Some require you to scan or fax receipts or digital pictures too.

Start with the Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA) and find a list of companies hiring in Colorado. Again, you should not pay a fee to these companies to get started. If you find you enjoy Mystery Shopping, you might consider getting certified by MSPA. It will put you higher on the list for shops and might earn you more money too
