People Need to Eat Foods to Nourish Their Brains

Readers, I don’t know about you but I do enjoy all of Dr. Oz’s and Dr. Roizen’s articles this is one in particular that appeared in the Washington Examiner of Washington, D.C., March 18, 2012, page 27, Titled: A Giant Leap for Brain Health offers great advice. Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen’s articles discuss a variety of health issues and they’re very informative and I feel many readers will find the information helpful to them.

The article tells us, people like to be able to retain names, places, and other facts without forgetting them, and it’s my opinion, the information provided by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen is good solid information people need to know. According to the article, there’s been a lot of good news here of late about between-the-ears health, including reports about a new Alzheimer’s drug. The article indicates, that nothing tops new proof the plate-to-brain connection can keep your brain cells young.

The article indicated, two new researches have been able to distinguish the good and bad effects of food on people’s mind, and I’d like to pass this information on to you readers:

(1) Did you know good food equals less “silent” brain trouble? A total of 966 New York City residents who participated in a brain scan study revealed that by loading your plate with Mediterranean-inspired cuisine such as; vegetables, fruit, fish, whole grains, nuts, olive oil and a little wine protects the tiny blood vessels in the brain.

This study also indicates the people who ate this way suffered less blood vessel damage caused by “silent strokes,” which can cause a person to fog up their ability to remember their neighbors name, play certain games, and balance their check books.

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(2) Did you know that by eating the right nutrients it boosts sharp thinking and keeps a person’s brain bigger, too? A study of 100 older women and men had their blood checked for the amount of key vitamins and fats, and then they took a thinking-skills test (some of these people had their brains measured), and they ate healthy and it resulted in a pattern with the best test scores. The people with the higher levels of DHA omega-3 fatty acids and with Vitamin B, C, D and E did have the sharpest minds, and that their total brain volume was also the best. Can you believe those people with the highest levels of trans-fats, those fats that we find in our processed foods, did not fare as well?

This article also advises that doctors are cheering a “promising” new Alzheimer’s disease drug as well. Laboratory studies, the drug, “bexarotene,” which is currently used as a skin cancer drug, has whisked away 75 percent of Alzheimer’s-related protein fragments (called beta amyloid) in rats’ brains in three days. Since its safety (but not efficacy for this effect) in humans is already known, it’s believed, quick testing as an Alzheimer’s treatment is being treated as a priority. Readers we need to be eating brain boosters now and take precautions before medications are on the open market. New research shows 76 percent of brain health is in a person’s own hands and only 24 percent is genetic. Here are some things a person’s brain wants them to eat:

(a) When we choose monounsaturated fats instead of saturated fats it offers us the most protection against brain damage from silent strokes. We should be spreading peanut butter, walnut, macadamia, almond or cashew butter, in lieu of eating cream cheese on whole-grain bagel; olive oil and vinegar instead of ranch dressing; and a small handful of walnuts plus a crunchy apple instead of snacking on chips or ice cream .

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(b) Take in some omega-3s, even if you don’t love fish. Did you know that only a three-ounce serving a week of non-fried fish rich in omega-e fatty acids, i.e., salmon, trout, haddock or sardines, can make you look younger? It suggests people take omega-3 capsules, the DFHA form of omega-3s (preferably algae-based supplements to fish oil), of a dose of 600 to 900 milligrams per day.

(c) We need to focus on different types of produce and whole grains for brain-pampering vitamins. We should aim to eat a rainbow of colored produce for vitamin C. B-6 comes from baked potatoes, roasted skinless chicken breast and chickpeas; B-12 comes from seafood, yogurt or nutritional yeast; and folate from spinach, lentils, papayas and asparagus. If a person will add almonds, sunflower seeds, spinach or hazelnuts they’ll get a dose of mixed tocopherols (active component of vitamin E). You can spend 10 to 20 minutes a day in the sun to acquire between 3,000 and 20,000 IU of vitamin D, this depends you on skin type.

(d) People should go easy on or eliminate meats, sweets, and white carbs. Did you know that these type foods can affect your thinking? Instead of loading up on the aforementioned, choose fish, nuts or beans instead of beef; fruit, veggies or non-fat, no-sugar-added yogurt instead of sweets; 100 percent of whole grains in place of white bread, white rice and white pasta.


Washington Examiner, March 18, 2012 Edition, Page 27, article by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen