Best Karaoke Bars in Puebla, Mexico

Let’s start by saying that even if Puebla isn’t as big or hectic as the more commonly known Mexico City, Monterrey and the assorted spring break destinations, it boasts a fair night life and karaoke bars are one of its main attractions behind night clubs, table dances and pubs.

Today I’ll try and guide you through some of the best karaoke bars in my city, for the socially inept among you or those who have been living under a rock for the last two decades or so, let’s get started with the concept of a karaoke bar; this type of bar is commonly a place to hang out either with friends and or family while taking the role of a musical artist and show off your singing prowess or lack of it.

Theoremas is one of the best known karaoke spots in town, I can definitely say that this bar has a great atmosphere, lights and sound system, the prices are really good and it almost never gets too crowded even for such a tiny space. The only down key if any, would be that waiters, including the host and or performance artists aren’t that friendly and that there commonly are no props available for singing.

It is mainly located in Avenida 31 Oriente crossing Avenida 16 Sur, Puebla, Mexico.

Twist and Shout is a relatively new karaoke bar located in one of the most expensive and prestigious areas of town, it has great service all week long and many amazing discounts and promotions. It has a large stage, great ambience and it has become a big hang out spot among youngsters and teenagers mainly. It’s only downsize could be the prices but they are understandably high because of both the place it is located in and the crowds that attend it.

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It is located in Avenida Osa Mayor #2706 C near Angelopolis Shopping Mall, Puebla, Mexico.

Cantabria is one of the newest karaoke spots in town, it is not yet that well known as the others but I can confidently say that you can still have a good time with your friends because it has a wide range of songs and rhythms to choose from, it has a large stage, very polite waiters and it is all in all a very comfortable place to have a few drinks. It’s prices are middle range considering that it is also located in one of the most prestigious and historically relevant sites in town. I think it would benefit from the discounts and promotions marketing strategy that other bars are currently using.

It is located in Avenida 25 Poniente #2501 D crossing Avenida Rosendo Marquez, La Paz, Puebla, Mexico.

Kanta-la is the favourite of many of my friends and acquaintances, it has live performances by some very talented singers, it’s prices are relatively high and it doesn’t have such a large collection of songs to choose from. It is also very crowded on weekends and as far as i can remember it only opens 3 or 4 days a week. It benefits however from a very welcoming atmosphere with discounts and promotions regularly. Might be worth mentioning that it has the largest collection of props, hats and instruments available during performances.

It is located in Avenida Juarez crossing Avenida 25 Sur, La Paz, Puebla, Mexico.

Opra is the best known karaoke bar in the outskirts of town, right in the middle of very busy night clubs and bars. It might be a different experience than your previous karaoke spots because it resembles more a night club than a karaoke bar, it has a great collection of songs, none of which can be described as boring or overplayed. The prices are usually high but recently they have begun offering many discounts and promotions every few days and it attracts a wide range of people o varying ages.

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So, if you decide to come visit Puebla, Mexico and shine like a star, now you now there are more than enough places to do it, just make sure not to drink to much and end up embarrassing yourself. Have fun!!

For more information, visit: (Kantá-la) (Cantabria)