Best Family Covered Wagon Vacations

The best family covered wagon vacations will take you back into America’s past. If you are tired of the beach and the mountains then investigating the fun offered by the best family covered wagon vacations may lead you to a real treat that will leave your family in awe. Covered wagon vacations aren’t for everyone, but if you love the wide open spaces, connecting with the history of your country, using your imagination and spending quality time with your family you qualify for spending your next vacation on one of these best family covered wagon vacations.

Wagons West in the Tetons. A vacation to the Tetons is a no brainer but couple that vacation location with Wagons West and you will feel like you made the vacation choice of a lifetime. Wagons West has put together a vacation option that places you and your family inside the pages of history and inside wagons that are replicas of those used in America’s great migration in the 19th century. The difference is you are doing this for fun, for a limited time and with no dangers with which to contend.

This vacation lets your really unwind and settle in to a whole different life style. Local ranchers drive rather gentle horses and other mounts are brought along allowing you and your family the opportunity to take trail rides along the way . When evening comes after a day on the trail you will get to chow down on chuck wagon specialties, sit around the campfire, hum along with some cowboy crooners and talk over the adventures of the day. The entire trip will be spent in shadow of the magnificent Teton Mountains . When it’s finally time to settle in for the night you can take some security in the fact that you are among trained wagon men and part of a circle of wagons, just like pioneers of old. In the morning you will rise to breakfast cooked in the great outdoors and as weather permits will continue your ride with the cover of your wagon down so that you can ride and enjoy the scenery at the same time. Every trip is different and every one full of adventures you will remember throughout the year.

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Fort Seward Wagon Train, Jamestown, ND Since 1969 Fort Seward Wagon Train has been offering a one week covered wagon adventure for families beginning in Jamestown, North Dakota the site of Fort Seward . The trip in 2008 will run from June 29- July 5. Those wishing to participate do not need to either own or be able to ride a horse but you should be someone who likes the out of doors and camping as lots of time on this trip is spent doing enjoys both.

During the trip you will travel and at times be lodged in wooden wheeled wagons with canvass tops and driven by an experience teamster will be in charge of controlling your wagon and the draft horses or mules assigned to pull it. The train pulls out early in the morning and makes a stop at lunch. At the end of the day wagons circle just like in the movies and folks do end of the day chores and get ready for a Chuck Wagon supper. Riders are invited to bring along craft projects or musical instruments to add to the after supper campfire.

Stops along the way the wagon train will stop at marked and unmarked historical sites and explanations will be given. Input from travelers is also welcomed. What is really important to understand before signing on to the Fort Seward Wagon Train is that this is not a resort on wheels. Everyone is required to do a share of the chores like food prep, clean up, chopping wood, even latrine duty. The idea is to experience what life was like for the pioneers who crossed the nation for weeks at a time and so connect with the history of our nation while having a real life family adventure.

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Historic Trails West – Casper, Wyoming It’s understandable that some folks are really curious about the Wagon Train experience but aren’t quite ready or able to sign on for a full week of outdoor activity and overnight camping. You can still get a good taste of history and travel along the same trails once traveled by pioneers without spending a whole week at the task. Historic Trails West offers wagon adventures that last three hours, four hours with lunch or supper included , full day excursion with lunch included or an overnight adventure including supper at an Indian village. Two, three and five day treks are also available at ascending prices. If you choose you can make the trips on horseback instead of riding in the wagon according to a different fee schedule.

According to your trek ,selection you will have the opportunity to do things like visit Fr. Casper, go along the Oregon, California or Mormon trail, talk to troopers and Native Americans , relax on the banks of the Platte River and savor the history you are reliving. Wagon Trains first started out from Missouri in 1843 and over time almost a half million pioneers braved the overland route in covered wagons. In 3 hours, 5 days or anywhere in between you too can get a feel for that historic movement that brought about the expansion and development of America. You can make reservations during the months of May – October. For more information call 307-266-4868
