Best Exercises to Reduce Your Muffin Top

Ah, the dreaded muffin top. You’ve seen it. The muffin top appears when lower-rise jeans are worn and the fat around the hips and lower waist puffs overtop the jeans creating the appearance of the top of a muffin. Maybe you’ve seen the muffin top on someone else. Maybe you’ve seen the muffin top on yourself. While proper clothing choices can absolutely help disguise and prevent a muffin top, targeting exercises are the only way to really get rid of a muffin top for good. Here are three great exercises to help eliminate your muffin top so you can wear whatever jeans you please!

Back Kick. This exercise move often used in kickboxing and other martial arts style aerobics classes is a great exercise to work on that muffin top. Stand with your feet firmly planted side by side about 6 inches apart. Squat down slightly being sure to put your weight in your heels. As you turn your head to look over your shoulder, kick your left leg out straight behind you placing the force of your kick through your heel. Pull your knee back in and return to your starting position. Alternate legs with this back kick exercise until you have done 20 reps. Rest, then do 20 more repetitions, this time increasing your speed. Back kicks are a great exercise for working your legs, buttocks, hips, and back, thus reducing your muffin top.

Bridge. The bridge is a classic exercise that is great for toning the muffin top area. Lay on your back on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. In a controlled motion, lift your hips up off of the floor, keeping your shoulders firmly planted. Hold this position for 5 seconds and return to your starting position. Do 12-15 reps. This exercise works your entire back, buttocks, and back of the thighs and is especially helpful in reducing the dreaded muffin top.

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Swimming. No, you don’t need a pool to try this muffin top-reducing exercise. You can “swim” right in your own living room. Lay on the floor with your legs straight out and your arms outstretched above your head. Keeping your hips and abdominals planted firmly to the floor lift your legs, arms and shoulders a few inches off the floor. Then start swimming, moving your arms and legs straight up and down, keeping them straight. Do this move for 10 seconds then return to your starting position. Do 10-12 repetitions. The swimming exercise is a wonderful technique for strengthening all of the muscles on the back of the body and reducing the muffin top.

Muffin tops can happen to the best of us. While cardiovascular activities are essential for losing fat, target toning can help problem areas such as the muffin top. Try these exercises 3 days a week with a rest in between days to reduce your muffin top and wear whatever jeans you feel like.

Note: This exercise advice does not come from a trained fitness expert. Always ask your doctor before starting any type of exercise routine.