Best Cycle Days to Start Taking Guaifenesin to Thin Cervical Mucus for Fertility

If you are facing fertility issues it could be due to your cervical mucus. Guaifenesin does not just thin the mucus in your lungs, but it also thins the cervical mucus as well. Thin and stretchy mucus of the cervix, much like egg whites, is the perfect texture of cervical mucus so that sperm can swim and navigate to the uterus to fertilize your egg. This dosing with guaifenesin can also be used with men who have thick ejaculate.

What Cough Syrups Help Thin Cervical Mucus

It is important that you only purchase and use the cough syrups that have the only active ingredient being guaifenesin. Studies have shown that the others that have other active ingredients could possibly cause birth defects. Read the label and ensure that the only active ingredient in the cough syrup is guaifenesin. You can buy brand names such as Robitussin or you can buy the generic brands so long as the 1 teaspoon dose equals 100mg or 200mg. You will be taking 200mg of this medication at least three times a day. If you have been charting the changing in your cervical mucus and note that the cervical mucus is not thinning you can up the dose to the maximum of four times per day if necessary.

Which Days of My Cycle Should I Start Taking Guaifenesin

It is best to begin taking the recommended dosages of guaifenesin 5 days before you are to begin ovulation and then carry on and take for the day after. This will equal 6 days of taking the cervical mucus thinning guaifenesin.

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When to Start Taking Guaifenesin for Those with Irregular Periods

If like most that have infertility issues you may have an irregular period. If this is the case you should try to determine what the earliest date of your ovulation has been in the past and begin taking the cough syrup the same as for those with regular periods. It may take some tracking and logging in a fertility journal, but eventually you will find a good indicator of when to begin taking the medication.

Using and Ovulation Predictor Test to Know When to Start Guaifenesin Regimen

You can also you an Ovulation Predictor Test and begin taking the medication as soon as you get a positive reading and up to a day or so after the two day period. Sperm can survive sometimes up to five days; so while thinning the mucus of your cervix the live sperm may be able to navigate to the uterus within the time frame given.

Days that Clomid Users Should Start Taking Guaifenesin to Thin Cervical Mucus

If you take Clomid you can start dosing with guaifenesin as soon as the day after the last Clomid pill. For many women taking Clomid they find that their cervical mucus is threatened by the medication and often becomes almost non-existent. With the help of taking cough medication with guaifenesin as well as drinking plenty of water you are more likely to thin your cervical mucus and become pregnant.

The reason you want to have thin cervical mucus is because thick mucus can trap the sperm and/or keep a barrier to where the sperm cannot travel to the uterus for conception. This is generally how most birth control medications work, they produce hormones that thicken the cervical mucus and cause pregnancy chances to weaken. By taking cough syrup that has ONLY the active ingredient guaifenesin as well as drinking plenty of fluid your chances of becoming pregnant are increased. Men with thick ejaculate could also respond well to taking this same method so that they are able to loosen their ejaculate and set more sperm free to travel their way to the uterus for conception as well.
Using Robitussin/Guaifenesin to Improve Cervical Mucus – Maternal & Child – MedHelp–Child/Using-Robitussin-Guaifenesin-to-Improve-Cervical-Mucus/show/155352

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Guaifenesin, FertileCM, and Cervical Mucus

Robitussin (Guaifenesin Cough Syrup) to Improve Fertility