Best Acne Scar Remedies

Sometimes you just can’t help it. Even people with the clearest of skin get pimples every now and then. And if you’ve always had a problem with your skin, this article applies to you too. Pimples and zits come in all types of sizes and colors, and once you’ve zapped them with an acne treatment, they can take anywhere from a week to ten days to disappear. But the sad truth is that often, after the zit or pimple has left, it leaves a scar behind. But, there’s no need to despair. There are several remedies that work great for acne scars.

Facial masks

Masks, like Queen Helene’s Mint Julep Masque or other types of clay or mud masks that can be purchased in drug stores often help dry up pimples, rinse away blackheads, and shrink enlarged pores. Some of these masks are also known to cleanse the skin of impurities. But as far as scars are concerned, these masks exfoliate the skin each time a person uses them. As the skin is gently exfoliated, scars begin to fade. So each time you use a mask, you are helping to rid your skin of not only acne blemishes, but blemishes that come from other sources as well.

Mederma Scar Treatment

This is a clear liquidy substance that comes in a white tube with a blue top on it. It can be purchased in drug stores, and the smallest tube costs about 17.99. Mederma should be applied 3 to four times a day. I’ve tried this treatment for my acne scars and it works wonders. Each day I used the treatment, my scars just faded more and more.

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Fade Cream

Hydroquinone is the major ingredient in these creams. Often it goes by the name of fade cream, but it may be known by other names as well. It can be purchased in drug stores, make up shops like Sephoria, and you can get a prescription for it. It works to specifically fade blemishes that come from acne, age spots, liver spots, and etc. I’ve used this product on my acne scars, and it’s also worked very well.

Cocoa Butter

This also fades scars. You can purchase a good hefty stick of cocoa butter from the Body Shop. This is the traditional scar fader. I’ve used this treatment since I was a kid. It’s also one of the best moisturizers out there.

On a final note, these treatments should be used according to the severity of the scar. For instance, if you have just a small dark mark that came after a pimple took only a week to disappear, use fade cream or cocoa butter everyday for about 3 months or however long it takes for the scar to leave.

If you have a scar a pimple that took about a month to go away, and you know it first was just a small pimple that got larger and larger until before you knew it, you had this huge red ugly thing your face, that you just knew was going to make an ugly scar, use Mederma and a fade cream that has a hefty percentage of hydroquinone in it.

For both situations, just once a week, apply a mask to you face as a part of your daily washing routine.