Benefits of Steam Rooms

Steam rooms have been well-known for their health benefits for several centuries now. Throughout history innumerable people have used steam therapy to improve their health and sense of well being. During the end of 20th century and the start of 21st century, the numbers of health conscious individuals have grown exponentially in the western society, which has triggered a huge growth in health sector.

Until few years back the steam rooms were exclusively meant for gyms, spas and health clubs, and many people believe it is something only the wealthy can afford; however some of the top-rated specialists in steam room making have ensured that this luxury is affordable by the common man. With state-of-the-art technology available at reasonable prices, many people are now able to afford to have a steam room in their homes and enjoy its health benefits.

Overview of Benefits of Steam Room:

People have used steam room as a medium to detoxify the body; the steam opens the pores of the skin which in turn helps in detoxifying the body. A generator makes the steam with high humidity levels which, some claim, has many health benefits that help in stress relief, body cleansing and soothing painful muscles. The following are the health benefits of steam room.

1st Benefit: Steam room help in eliminating toxins.

On an average, the human body has about 2.6 million sweat glands. There are only four ways to remove toxins from the body: perspiration, respiration, urine and feces. It is observed that up to 30% of the body toxins are removed through sweat in a single session of steam room. Studies prove that 95% of cancers are caused due to poor diet and harmful chemicals in the environment. Therefore, steam room becomes a healthy option for today’s society which is constantly exposed to toxic environments and bad eating habits.

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2nd Benefit: Steam room helps in rejuvenating and hydrating the skin.

The heat given out from the steam results in faster beating of the heart as it needs to cool down the body at a faster pace. This causes the blood to fill the smallest capillaries present in the body. These small capillaries are filled due to increase in the blood flow and cause the skin to look healthy and glow as the blood cells carry vitamins, minerals and oxygen, which are essential for a healthy body. In addition to healthy skin, it also increases the metabolism rate of the body.

3rd Benefit: Steam room boost the immune system with the help of hyperthermia.

Hyperthermia is a condition when the body temperature rises above the normal body temperature (37.2°C); recently hyperthermia has been used for therapeutic purposes. The temperature of the body inevitably rises in a steam room; when the temperature of the body rises it is called a fever. Usually, when a virus enters the body, the white blood cells, a protein called interferon, and antibodies are released from the bone marrow and the body temperature goes above normal. Viruses generally survive within a very narrow range of temperature. Therefore when the body temperature increases, either the growth of the virus is stunted or the virus is killed.

4th Benefit: Steam room enhances the respiratory system.

By inhaling steam the mucosal secretions present in the respiratory system are supported and this helps in opening up the lung’s airways and facilitating proper respiration. As a result it helps in the relief of allergies and asthma.

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5th Benefit: Steam room relax muscles and relieve stress.

The heat given out from the steam helps in widening the blood vessels and therefore relaxing the muscles by supplying more oxygen to them. The heat is also shown to relieve people suffering from arthritis.
