Behind the Taurus Man and Woman

You may find this to be very interesting or could not believe any of it at all. Not many people believe in zodiac signs and think that each individual acts they way they do because it’s there own character. Sure each person has there own character but there zodiac sign is a lot of why they are who they are. If you would like to know the in scoop on a Taurus now is your chance to see how they are in a relationship, on the job, as a friend, as a child, or just as a person in general.

Taurus- April 21- May20th which is an earth sign

These men and women are kindhearted, loyal, and thrifty. They tend to possess a great personal charm, good looks, and a wonderful speaking voice. They like the luxury living but can also be lazy.

The Taurus man isn’t known for being complicated and he surely isn’t all that talkative, but he can tend to be every girls dream. He is the strong silent type and lets his actions speak for him rather then words. They tend to be dark and brooding in appearance, taciturn in speech. They become good lovers and fathers. They cherish traditional values, and hardly lose there tempers. But if they do lose it look out it won’t be pretty. They are more into achieving goals in there personal life rather then in there professional life. They support family values and are not amenable where change is concerned. They tend to have a good deal of creative talent, but may need some coaxing in order to show it.

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The Taurus woman is well-groomed and stylish. She also tends to be very socially involved. Whatever it is she turns her energy to she is certainly going to give it everything she has. They tend to hold there own against any man, professionally speaking, without ever losing there trademark femininity. They look stunning no matter what they are in even if it is on a shoe string budget. They are very stubborn, budget-minded, and are practical. They can balance family and career life without losing there emotional equilibrium.

The Taurus child can be nice and sweet at one moment then like a tidal wave at another moment. They tend to do things behind schedule but don’t be surprised this is just how they are. They take there time to walk, talk, and integrate within the circle of there playmates. These children or normally obedient, but they could become belligerent in adolescence if the rules made by there parents are too restrictive. At there young age they tend to show artistic talent, especially with music and singing. They are drawn to beautiful things, especially like toys. They tend to start saving money from the time of in grade school.

The Taurus lover tends to know everything about love and romance. They are passionate people who prefer marriage over long-term relationships to the dating scene. He or she can be persistent, consistent, and always eager to please there partner. The one down fall to there approach is inflexibility. An adventuresome person who loves a lot of experimentation and diversity may grow weary of there Taurean lover’s practical approach. These people never forget important events such at birthdays, anniversaries, and other romantic occasions. They rather have fine dining and fine wine followed by incense and silk sheets rather then anything less.

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The Taurus boss is fair and had good loyalty. They are typically friendly, accessible, and normally pleasant. But they could be serious and stubborn. A thing others may over look or even ignore doesn’t brush off the Taurus to easily. If they are not happy with someone’s behavior of a subordinate, they will not easily trust that person again. They are a very good judge of character and can normally draw out the hidden talents in a employee.

The Taurus friend is someone you couldn’t make better friends with. They are steadfast and loyal. They treat there pals with respect and affection that most people only do with family members or lovers. They get along best with those who have the same interests as them. There sympathetic nature often draws out different people from every walk of life into there circle. Because these people have a busy social schedule often they are placed in situations to test there loyalties to there friends.