Behind the Libra Man and Woman

You may find this to be very interesting or could not believe any of it at all. Not many people believe in zodiac signs and think that each individual acts they way they do because it’s there own character. Sure each person has there own character but there zodiac sign is a lot of why they are who they are. If you would like to know the in scoop on a Libra now is your chance to see how they are in a relationship, on the job, as a friend, as a child, or just as a person in general.

Libra- September 23rd– October 22nd which is an air sign

These people are artistic, affectionate, and refined. These people are looked at as fashion-conscience and attractive. They look for joy and peace in personal and professional relationships.

The Libra man hands down has the charm over them all. He is normally the tough handsome type guy. He doesn’t need to show off his manliness because he is quite secure in who he is. These men usually marry at a young age. He looks for permanency. Generally good natured and accommodating. He has no problem doing his portion of the household chores. He will support his lover’s career with pride and vigor.

The Libra woman is very charming and attractive but it is sometimes hard for men to appreciate the talents and intellect of the woman. She can tend to think like a man but yet she reasons like a woman. She has a natural ability to make a relationship work. Even though she is extremely self-efficient she isn’t happy being alone and will usually have a permanent partner in her life. She is very supportive of her lover and is a great inspiration on them.

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The Libra child is sweet and obedient. They are more well mannered then most of the other kids even if they appear to be acting rebellious or aggressive. They tend to be favored in there family amongst everyone else. They manage to keep there lovable ness, but their freedom-loving nature often draws them into the center of controversy.

The Libra lover is known to be the most romantic people of the signs. They have this idealist view of how love should be and the togetherness. They are completely relationship oriented. Once they fall in love they start thinking of marriage. They always have an eye to a happy ending. They do not like or enjoy romantic problems. They will tend to grieve alone in silence if they are disappointed in the relationship, then move onto someone who is hopefully better.

The Libra boss is big in fairness. They will not demand more then they are willing to give. He or she is sensitive to the needs of there employees. They want to be liked by there employees even though they want to be respected. They cannot bare for people to think lowly of them. He or she can draw upon there impressive relationship skills in order to get along with employees.

The Libra friend is a very sociable person and makes friends on many different levels. They are very pleasant and fun to be around. They are good for giving emotional support to those friends who are faced with problems or life challenging decisions. They can weigh the pros and cons which makes them great counselors. They love being surrounded by many people and would make excellent hosts or hostesses. They enjoy throwing parties for friends or associates. They are very good at making someone feel at ease. Individuals have no problem making friends easily. They have a superficial side at times but anyone that knows them knows they have a intriguingly profound side to their nature.