Basic Gardening Tools Needed

Gardening is becoming ever popular. People garden for numerous different reasons. Chances are that you either garden yourself or know someone who does. If you are thinking about starting a garden chances are that you will need to do some shopping for tools. The choice between hand tools and power tools is a personal one. The size of your garden will determine what tools you will to purchase. Obviously if you have a small garden you will not need a tractor, and if you garden an acre you will not want to use just a shovel. It is best to your tools when the season has not started yet. This will allow you the best selection and the store personnel time to answer questions that you may have.

The basic gardening tools that just about every gardener needs in his-or-her inventory are the same. You will need a shovel, a digging fork, hoe, and rake. These are the most basic essentials you will need to start with. You will be able to add other tools when you deem necessary. Before you go shopping for any other tools make a list of what you will need. Consider what chores you will have with the upkeep of your garden, and what tools you will need to make them happen.

Some of these tools you may not need, but others you will. This will help give you an idea of what you will need to shop for.

Shovel– A D-handle or long handle shovel is helpful for digging and turning the soil. Shovels also come in handy for spreading manure, any compost you may have, and other uses. Shovels are one of the most used tools you will have. Remember that is it important to get a shovel that is durable and easy for you to handle.

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Spade– A D-handle or long handle spade is normally sharper. Spades are used for digging the packed soil in.

Lawn Edger- A lawn edger is used for cutting in neat lines along you borders of your garden bed and walk way.

Containers– Used for seeding flats and pots for stating seeds. Large containers and pots are used when one container gardens.

Spading Fork– Used for breaking soil. They are also useful for diving clumps and spreading.

Hoe- Used for cultivating the soil and preparing the planting rows. There are several kinds of hoes on the market for various purposes.

Hose– Used for watering. Attachments are available for spreading liquid fertilizer or other material.

Rake– Used for smoothing the soil, covering the seeds and weeding.

Knife– Used for harvesting, small pruning jobs, cutting open pots, and many other uses.

Labels– Used for labeling your rows. If you do not remember what you planted and where, these are very helpful.

Lawn Mower- Used for leveling the garden at the end of the season.

Pruners– Used for pruning. There are several kinds on the market. Make sure you buy ones that are comfortable and durable.

Trowel– Used for the digging of planting holes. There are many different kinds on the market. Buy a good one. The cheaper ones I have found do not last very long.

Watering Can– Used for small watering jobs.

Weeder- Used for weeding the garden.

Wheelbarrow or A Garden Cart– Used for moving anything around. This will come in handy when you have to move around soil, fertilizer, or any other heavy object.

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Plant Supports– Used for supporting plants. You might need tomato cages, trellises, and pea fences. This will depend on the type of garden you have.

Tying Material– Used for holding plant supports. Choose these carefully as wires need to be covered in order to not break the bark of a tree, and natural materials will break down in the soil.

Basket– Used for collecting your harvest.

I hope that this article has provided you with knowledge of some of the tools available for gardeners. Whether you are an advanced gardener or a beginner chances are you will need some of these tools.