Barbie Birthday Party Games

Barbie dolls are still as popular as ever, and because this character has been admired for decades, it is also a popular birthday party theme for little girls. This theme offer many options for fun and inexpensive birthday party games and activities. When looking for birthday party games with a Barbie doll theme, consider the following easy ideas. With fun games and activities that match a Barbie theme, the birthday party is sure to be a big success.

Play Games of Pass the Doll

Hot potato is a very popular birthday party game, and it has been for decades. When hosting a Barbie birthday party for little girls, consider playing games of pass the Barbie doll. The rules of the game are the same as hot potato. Have the girls stand or sit in a wide circle, and play happy birthday music to get the party started. Randomly stop playing the music after approximately one minute. The child left holding the Barbie doll must sit out of the game. When one little girl is left, she is declared the winner.

Barbie’s Favorite Things

Memory games are loads of fun, especially at a birthday party. Kids are especially good at remembering items by sight, and they will love these birthday party memory games with a Barbie doll theme. Place about one dozen Barbie related items on a baking sheet, and allow the girls to examine the contents of the tray for a few minutes. Take the tray away and remove a few of the items. Whoever can identify the missing items wins this fun birthday party game of skill.

See also  Five Fun Birthday Party Games for Kids

Exciting Jewel Hunt Games

When Barbie comes to mind, many little girls think of flashy jewelry and other accessories. When searching for games to entertain girls at a birthday party, consider hosting jewel hunt games. Buy several large faux jewels at a local craft store, and hide them outside or inside in one room of the home. Send the girls on a jewel quest and see who can find the most faux gems. Let them keep the gems they find, and award all of the girls with a very special birthday party prize. Ring Pops make great prizes for girls attending a Barbie birthday party.

Pass the Present Games and Stories

Games of pass the present are nothing new, but this classic game can be personalized to fit the birthday party theme. Wrap one present for each child playing the game, and have the kids sit in a big circle. Read a Barbie story while the kids pass the first present around and around. Each time you say the name Barbie, whoever has a present gets to keep that present. After everyone has a present the games are over. Continue reading the story until it is complete. Everyone that listened will get to open their gift.

These are just some of the many birthday party games that fit a Barbie doll theme. Involve your little girl in birthday party planning, and see if she can come up with more fun ideas her friends will love. With Barbie anything is possible!