Barbie Dolls Vs. Bratz Dolls

In the doll world, there are now two popular dress up fashion doll lines, Barbie dolls and Bratz dolls. Barbie has been around since the late 1950’s, and is still going. Bratz came on the scene in 2001 and joined the doll world with a bang. There is a definite competition between the two doll making companies, Mattel for Barbie dolls, and MGA Entertainment for Bratz Dolls.

Barbie dolls are the iconic fashion doll. Bratz dolls are the new Urban favourites.

The Barbie dolls were created in the late 1950’s. From the time they came into being, they took over the doll scene for many little and bigger girls. They also became a hit with doll collectors of all ages, from child to adult. They continue to bring in followers, with each new generation of doll lovers. Some go for very large amounts in the doll collector world, especially the older ones and special or limited edition models and paraphernalia.

The Bratz dolls are the new kids of the doll scene. Their unique look and character fits in with current trends and tastes. Their popularity very quickly became established in recent markets.

We have both Barbie Dolls and Bratz dolls in our home. They are in the homes of many friends and relatives. There are definite differences in the style of the dolls.

Barbie dolls are somewhat more realistic looking in features. Although the Barbie doll has often taken ribbing for her, shall we say unnaturally out of proportion physical features With her tiny waist and molded pointed breasts, she is seen as the “perfect” fashionable doll by many. There have even been live human beings who have undergone surgeries to look more like the fashion plate Barbie doll.

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Bratz dolls are less fashion rigid, and more street urban savvy looking. The facial features of a Bratz doll look more cartoon like than Barbie’s dainty facial features. In that lies part of their charm. They may be cartoon like, but they feel more like a regular person than the Barbie doll does. Their look is very unique.

Both Barbie Dolls and Bratz Dolls come with a line of clothes. Barbie seems to have more available outfits, that can be purchased separately from the doll. Barbie dolls have, at times, filled whole store isles with their varied and related merchandise. Bratz dolls are now doing the same thing.

Once both the Barbie Dolls and Bratz Dolls took off in popularity, their manufacturing companies started expanding the lines to include a larger variety of dolls in many races and all ages. Their theme lines expanded to include things like motor vehicles, and themed packaging like rock stars, and sports or fashion lines. With each one after the initial dolls climbed in sales and popularity, a corresponding male doll was added. Then more came as the lines progressed.

Although Bratz Dolls are fairly new to the game, their merchandising has spread all over. It has grown the same way Barbie’s has, with everything from bedding for humans, to clothing and movies.

Which do we prefer? Both is the simple answer. It just depends on the day and the mood. My daughter does seem slightly more drawn to the Bratz dolls than the Barbie dolls, but she likes both. She does say the Bratz Dolls are “more cool looking”. They also have wardrobes that are more to her personal liking. One of my nieces is absolutely a Bratz Doll fan, although she does play with Barbie Dolls too. Her favourite by far are the Bratz Dolls. She likes everything with their image on it, including hand held electronic games.

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One nice feature we do like are the Bratz Dolls shoes and feet. They don’t have tiny shoes that get lost as easily. Granted, the feet with attached shoes can get lost too, but another advantage is that they are quite easy to take on and off.

The clothes may be a bit easier to put on too, since the doll has somewhat larger features. For younger children, Barbie Doll manufacturers figured out a long time ago, that little hands can’t always make the tiny clothes work. They adjusted some of their product line accordingly, for younger Barbie fans.

Barbie dolls seem to run a little less expensive for the basic dolls, but Bratz Dolls do come in a smaller version too, that costs less.

Ask your children, or the children you are buying for, which they prefer, Bratz Dolls or Barbie Dolls Maybe just surprise them, if you buy dolls for them. Parents can definitely influence a child’s choice, but so can peer pressure or just natural preferences from an individual child. They are definitely influenced by advertising. So were the original Barbie doll purchasers.

Some think the Bratz Dolls are odd looking with their oversized features. Some think Barbie Dolls promote an unhealthy self image. I just think they are both fun and creative. So even though I grew up with Barbie Dolls and her world, I like the Bratz Dolls just as much. My daughter prefers the Bratz Doll somewhat, but likes Barbies too. This product comparison ended in a draw for us.