Baby Cutting Teeth? Try Hyland’s Teething Tablets

Baby up all night screaming and crying, cutting teeth can be unbearable for everyone. Try Hyland’s homeopathic teething tablets. Save the Tylenol for those fevery night and give you baby relief with Hyland’s teething tablets. They are a homeopathic tablet that relieves their pain from teething. It is safe and was even recommended by my pediatrician.

My husband calls them the bye, bye baby wonder drug. When my daughter started teething she never stopped until they were all in. I was told about these pills by a close friend, but being the skeptic and over protect mom i am I called the pediatrician first. He said that they were a homeopathic medicine and worked great from what he was hearing from other patients. So I tried them.

The first time I gave them to her they didn’t work. The bottle said you could give them 2-3 tablets. I gave her two, but I didn’t put them under her tongue like I was suppose too. This made the difference. The next time I gave her three tablets under the tongue and she was out within a few minutes. Hyland’s also makes the teething product in the gel form although I have never tried it.

The pills do not put your child to sleep. They are already sleepy and cranky because their teeth hurt. Take away the pain and they fall right out. The label on the bottle makes this clear that they will not put your child to sleep, they just relieve the pain so that they can fall asleep. They are a life savior when you have been up all night with a cranky, crying baby. Hyland’s teething pills are also a good buy with as many tablets that come in a bottle they will last your child all through their teething and probably the next child, too. You can find them in most grocery stores pharmacy section and if not there look in the homeopathic aisle. Wal-Mart even carries this wonder drug in it teething section of the pharmacy.

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Hyland also makes other homeopathic medicine they have an entire line for the whole family. I have tried the growing pains pills as well for my very tall 3 yr old who says it makes her lagged stop hurting. That is something not even the Tylenol could do for her. They also make a diaper rash ointment that works great as well. All of their products are homeopathic.