Aspirin Overdose – Danger!

Are you suffering from Aspirin overdose? Recently the news has reported a high profile death from aspirin overdose. Although death from acute aspirin overdose is comparatively rare, it can happen. However, the risk of chronic overdose is much more common. Because it can be purchased without a prescription, many people do not realize the very real dangers aspirin can cause.

According to the Medline Plus website, acute aspirin overdose can be caused, in an adult, by taking more than 150mg, or approximately 20 tablets, of aspirin. Symptoms initially include stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. With time other symptoms appear including hyperactivity, dizziness, drowsiness, seizures and coma. Prompt medical care may be successful, but speed is important.

Chronic aspirin overdose is a more common problem. A person suffering from pain may try to treat it with aspirin and either take too much at one time, or take excess doses over a long period of time. Acetylsalicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin, is also found in several other pain relievers. Because aspirin may be combined with other prescription or over-the-counter medications, you may get too much without realizing it. Acetylsalicylic acid is also contained in Alka Seltzer, Excedrin, Percodan, Anacin and several other medications. A person taking aspirin daily to prevent heart problems may combine it with another medicine for pain relief and be in real danger of overdose.

Symptoms initially may be fatigue, slight fever and confusion. Later there may be collapse, rapid heart beat and rapid breathing. Without treatment, the symptoms may escalate and become acute.

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Less obvious effects of too much aspirin are often not recognized. Patients with asthma are often told not to take aspirin as they may be more sensitive than the general population. Aspirin has been shown to increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. It has also been proven to cause gastrointestinal bleeding. Although regular aspirin therapy is used to prevent clotting leading to strokes, that very effect can cause bleeding in the brain. For a patient who is sensitive, aspirin may also cause kidney damage.

Aspirin has been around for over a century, and you can purchase it in any drug or grocery store. That does not make it completely safe in all circumstances. Aspirin needs to be treated as any effective medication. It is helpful if used occasionally for pain relief or under a doctor’s care. However, it needs to be treated with respect in order to avoid aspirin overdose.