Asian Ginseng Medicinal Uses and Information

Asian ginseng, which is also known as Korean ginseng or Panax ginseng is one of the most common herbs used today to help increase energy and restore mental alertness. Asisan ginseng is closely related to American ginseng as both of these forms of ginseng are comprised of the same active compounds.

Within Asian ginseng there are compounds known as ginsenosides, which are what scientists believe cause this herb to have medicinal purposes. Asian ginseng has been used for medicinal use for thousands of years. Traditionally, Asian ginseng was given to uses along with other herbs to help promote strength, wisdom and longevity.

The University of Maryland states Asian ginseng can help the body naturally deal with mental stress as well as promote a general feeling. While Asian ginseng has a long list of conditions claiming it can heal, only a few have found to withstand scientific studies.

Asian ginseng has been studied for its ability to boost the immune system. It is suggested, by the University of Maryland, that Asian ginseng can improve immune system performance as it will increase the overall number of immune cells found within the bloodstream as well as support the immune system when the flu vaccine is present. A study outlined by the University of Maryland states that after 12 weeks participants who were given Asian ginseng has two-thirds less of a chance of getting a cold or the flu than those who were on a placebo.

Another benefit for Asian ginseng use regards the cardiovascular system. Asian ginseng is suggested to have powerful antioxidants, which will help remove free radicals from the body. Free radicals are compounds known to cause heart disease, cancer, diabetes as well as a plethora of other health ailments. Since Asian ginseng contains a high percentage of antioxidants it can help support a healthy cardiovascular system, which may help reduce the likelihood of developing heart disease. While Asian ginseng is touted to be beneficial for lowering high blood pressure, several studies have found that this may not be true, and the opposite may happen (increasing blood pressure). If you have high blood pressure, don’t take Asian ginseng unless you get the green light from your medical physician.

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Lastly, one of the most famous benefits of taking Asian ginseng is to improve mental performance. Studies have shown that the consumption of Asian ginseng can help boost mental performance, concentration, memory capacity as well as energy. Some of the other uses of Asian ginseng include fighting Alzheimer’s disease, improving fertility, prevention of erectile dysfunction as well as reducing menopausal symptoms.

To take Asian ginseng consume 200 milligrams of standardized Asian ginseng at one to three times per day. Make sure that the extract contains at least 4 percent ginsenosides for maximum benefit. Again, only take Asian ginseng with the consent of your doctor; especially if you’re currently taking any medications.