Arm and Hammer Double Duty Advanced Odor Control Clumping Litter

I have been using Arm and Hammer litter since I first brought my little Ashley home six years ago. Arm and Hammer littler clumps well and it kept the smell down to a minimum even when I added two other cats to my household. When Double Duty came out, I decided to try it. The Multi-Cat Arm and Hammer litter that I had been using previously works well, but there was still quite a bit of cat smell especially when I had to add another litter box to accommodate having three kitties.

I have found Double Duty to be an excellent litter. There first thing I noticed was that there was little to no smells coming from either littler box. It cancels out almost all the litter box odor which is fantastic. Every once in a while when one of the kitties is particularly stinky, a little odor comes through but otherwise I never smell it at all. It clumps well almost never leaving a mess in the litter box. I have no problems scooping it every night. It will also work in the littermaid system, although I have had some problems with large clumps in the littermaid hanging up the automatic box.

I have compared Arm and Hammer litters to other litters when I had to buy other litters for travels, and other cat emergencies and those litters have never had the smell control of the arm and hammer litters.

The negative for the Double duty litter is that there is a lot of dust. There is dust everywhere in the room when I house the litter boxes. If you are looking for a dust free litter, this isn’t the litter for you. Also, because it is a clay based litter you cannot flush it down the toilet you have to bag and throw it out. Therefore, it is not so environmentally friendly.

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Arm and Hammer Double Duty litter is cat approved at least in my household. Carlye, my second kitty, is very picky about her litter box. I have tried different litters over the years and Carlye has made it known (by leaving me nasty little presents in my bed) that she prefers Arm and Hammer litter. Double Duty litter keeps the smell down enough that I have less incidence of Carlye not using the litter box, and less accidents is a plus.

Double Duty Litter comes in two sizes a 20lb size and a 28lb size. Both sizes come in a box with a handle. One of the only complainants (besides the dust) for me about this litter is the box it comes in. The spout is difficult to use for me, you have to pick up the whole weight of the box to pour it and it is hard to open the box from the top in order to use a scoop instead. I think a better box or perhaps bucket could be designed for the product. One box usually last me several weeks. I usually scoop and then add new litter when necessary. I clean out the box totally about once a month. Double Duty is also priced around the same as other clumping litters. Target and Wal-mart routinely run it on sale from $8.99 to $11.99 and retail at somewhere like Petco is $12.99 to $18.99, but you can add it to automatic delivery from Petco and get the litter for $10.96 to $15.96. I have found this litter available at most major retailers including some grocery stores so in a pinch you can find it available without a trip to a specialized pet store. You can also print a coupon for it online at Arm and Hammer’s website.

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Overall, I am satisfied with this litter as is my kitties (which is what really matters), and I do not foresee changing our brand of litter any time soon.