Are You Suffering with Vertigo and Dizziness in Perimenopause?

If you are suffering from vertigo and dizziness in perimenopause, I can assure you, you’re not alone. Scores of women complain of vertigo and dizziness during perimenopause. So many, in fact, that the posts I write on these symptoms never fail to receive an impassioned response by frustrated and overwhelmed women just like you.

That’s because not only do women experience these symptoms during perimenopause, but when they seek the help of their physician, they are very often told it is not perimenopause which is causing them. It happened to me in 2008 when I was going through perimenopause, and suffered a bout of vertigo and dizziness so strong, I was pinned to the floor of my bathroom with overwhelming nausea, profuse sweating, and absolutely convinced I was having a stroke.

After a trip to the ER where I underwent hours of CAT scans, MRIs, and various and sundry other procedures, it was determined I had not suffered a stroke (thank God), but that I needed to seek the further care of an ENT who would (hopefully) get to the bottom of the problem. Unfortunately, he did not.

I’ve learned a lot since then about the symptoms of perimenopause and I’m here to tell you: women in perimenopause do suffer with dizziness and vertigo. A lot of them. But if physicians are telling us it is not perimenopause which causes these symptoms, then what does?

Thyroid Dysfunction in Perimenopause

It is a documented fact that many women suffer from some sort of thyroid dysfunction during perimenopause. More often than not, from hypothyroidism, or under-active thyroid function. It is also a documented fact, according to Dr. Ridha Arem, M.D., and author of the book, The Thyroid Solution: A Revolutionary Mind-Body Program That Will Help You, that vertigo and dizziness are symptoms of thyroid dysfunction as well.

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I cannot tell you exactly why so many physicians are reluctant at best, and just downright resistant at worst, to recognize that these symptoms are a very real part of perimenopause for a lot of women. Technically, it is true that perimenopause is the not the actual cause of the dizziness and vertigo.

But, it sure doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch to connect the dots here. Women going through perimenopause complain of dizziness and vertigo; hypothyroidism is a common secondary problem for women going through perimenopause; and dizziness and vertigo are documented symptoms of hypothyroidism. Hello?

If you’re a women going through perimenopause and have been experiencing episodes of dizziness and vertigo, take my word for it: You’re not imagining it and you’re not going crazy. If your physician has told you it is not related to perimenopause, seek another opinion – an endocrinologist if necessary to have your thyroid tested for possible low thyroid function.

I would also highly recommend that you pick up a copy of the book The Thyroid Solution: A Revolutionary Mind-Body Program That Will Help You, by Dr. Arem. It’s an excellent resource which can provide a wealth of information on the symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, and the most effective ways to treat it.


Arem, R. (1999) The Thyroid Solution: A Rveolutionary Mind-Body Program That Will Help You. New York: The Ballantine Publishing Group.

Perimenopause Symptoms. February 20, 2013. The Perimenopause

Heart Palpitations, Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Thyroid Dysfunction. January 24, 2013. February 20, 2013.

Hypothyroidism. February 20, 2013. Hotze;_medium=cpc&utm;_term=symptoms+of+hypothyroid&utm;_content=Do+You+Have+Hypothyroid?&utm;_campaign=Hotze+Health+and+Wellness+Center-+Hypothyroid&ShowAll;=true&_vsrefdom=cpc&gclid;=CKaS79WixbUCFcc-Mgodd2oApQ

See also  What is Vertigo?

Dizziness and Vertigo in Perimenopause. February 8, 2013. February 20, 2013.