Signs and Symptoms of Perimenopause

The first signs of perimenopause may go unnoticed. They may be subtle and far between. The time span of the perimenopause stage of life can lasts up to 10 years. As the time of menopause approaches the symptoms may become more evident. Perimenopause starts for most women, in their late 30’s or 40’s. The signs and symptoms vary from woman to woman. Most women experience some symptoms along the way, however there are the lucky women who’s only sign of perimenopause will be when their period stops. As a woman nears menopause estrogen and progesterone levels drop. Fluctuating hormone levels in the body are what cause Perimenopausal symptoms.

1.We have all heard of the dreaded hot flashes, these are akin to night sweats, flushes and cold flashes. They usually come on fast and leave you feeling hot and clammy or chilled.

2. Heart palpitations are another common symptom often described as a rushing heartbeat, or skipping heartbeat. This is a normal response to hormonal fluctuations and is quite common among those going through the perimenopause stage of life.

3. Irritability, anger and rage are very common during perimenopause.

4. Another frequent sign of perimenopause is mood swings and sudden tears. You may be happy one moment then sad and blue the next. Because of the extreme highs and lows these symptoms are sometimes misdiagnosed by members of the medical profession as being bipolar disorder.

5. Insomnia or trouble sleeping are very familiar to many perimenopausal women.

6. A woman’s period will become irregular and may be heavier, lighter, longer or shorter. She may experience heavy prolonged bleeding. Phantom periods are also a symptom of menopause; a woman may get all the signs and symptoms of a period without the bleeding.

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7. Loss of libido, many women does not lose their sex drive completely but may experience a temporary loss. Often this is attributed to not feeling well in general because of experiencing other perimenopause symptoms.

8. Loss of natural lubrication from falling hormones results in a dry vagina.

9. Fatigue is a common complaint among women who are in perimenopause.

10. One of the biggest complaints during perimenopause is anxiety. It can hit out of the blue without reason or cause.

11. Dark thoughts, apprehension, feelings of dread and doom these are also a signs or symptoms of perimenopause and may be connected with the depression that some women go through during this time.

12. Many women have difficulty concentrating, feel disoriented, and experience mental confusion. The ability to connect thoughts is hampered when hormone levels drop.

13. Disturbing memory lapses occur during perimenopause. Often women worry this is a sign of a much worse condition such as Alzheimer’s.

14. Incontinence is another symptom some women experience during perimenopause.

15. Some women get itchy crawly skin, with the sensation of ants crawling on them. The proper medical term for this condition is formication.

16. Most women, experience aching, sore joints, tendons and muscles. Otseoarthritis will sometimes develop during the perimenopausal years. Women who have arthritis or rheumatoid pain may find that the pain is worse during perimenpause.

17. Increased muscle tension is often a complaint that women in perimenopause have.

18. Breast may become tender with swelling and pain caused by the rise and fall of hormone levels.

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19. Migraine Headaches are a part of perimenopause for some women.

20. Many women are plagued with indigestion, gas, nausea, flatulence, and gastrointestinal distress. Some develop a condition known as Gerd or Acid reflux.

21. Bloating and water retention that comes on suddenly is a problem for many women.

22. Depression, a sense of loss of control and lack of ability to cope can be brought on by falling hormone levels.

23. Exacerbation of pre-existing medical conditions. The symptoms of any medical condition that a woman has before entering perimenopause may become worse.

24. A women in the perimenopause stage of life may develop allergies for the first time. Women who already suffer from allergies before the onset of perimenopause may notice that their allergies become worse.

25. Weight gain commonly is noticed in the waist and thigh areas.

26. Hair loss, thinning hair and pubic hair loss due to dropping hormone levels in the body. Many women experience the growth of facial hair.

27. It is a very common symptom of perimenopause to experience dizziness, light-headedness or a loss of balance.

28. A less common sign of perimenopause that some women notice is a change in body odor.

29. The feeling of being shocked in the head or just under the skin.

30. Extremities may develop tingling sensations.

31. Some women complain of a sensation that feels as if their tongue is burning.

32. A woman’s gums might feel tender and sore; she may notice some bleeding around the teeth.

33. Fingernails may become brittle and break easily.

34. After some years in the perimenopause stage many women develop a condition known as Osteoperosis. This is a thinning of the bones and a weakening of bone strength.

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The perimenopause stage is not over until a woman goes a full 12 months without a period. When this has happened a woman moves on to the next stage called menopause.

Although these signs and symptoms may seem overwhelming it is a natural part of life. Many women turn to hormone therapy; some seek a more natural way of resolving symptoms. The best advice on dealing with the symptoms of perimenopause that I have been given and can give is: “Take it one day at a time” and “Remember, this too shall pass.”