Allergy to Water, Sweat and Tears

Any form of water such as rain or even sweat causes those with Aquagenic Uriticara to break out in a rash that resembles hives and cause them to experience excruciating pain. For most, working out in the garden on a hot summer day followed by a cool shower or soothing an aching body by soaking in a warm tub is impossible and associated with pain for those with the condition. Patients with severe symptoms try to stay in air conditioning as much as possible to avoid sweating. On hot summer nights, those who are married, have to keep a sheet between them and their spouse to avoid coming into contact with sweat that would trigger the cycle of welts and pain. Image not being able to comfort your child when they cry as it would cause unbearable pain for you. Drinking water can cause the throat to swell. If it is raining outside then an umbrella needs to be used. How helpless would you feel if this was part of your everyday life?

Cleanliness is taken for granted as we can shower or bathe at will and is important to those with Aquagenic Urticaria. However, this process is not without pain. Their approach to showers is quick short bursts of water between washing up. Once the quick shower is done, there will be at least two hours of pain and welts before ready to tackle the day.

As this disease is rare, there is not much known about what causes one to be allergic to water and there is currently no cure either. Dermatologists, many who have never seen this process, prescribe steroid creams or steroids that may or may not help.

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Aquagenic Uriticara is not a condition that is present at birth it is one that develops during life. Scientist are looking at a possible link with infection and antibiotic use. A few patients developed this condition after antibiotic use. In addition, people with this condition have high anti-histamine levels. However, treating this condition with antihistamines offers no relief and no cure. Morphine has induced this urticaria in one man. Everytime this man took morphine he would have an allergic reaction to sweat. Once the morphine was out of his system he returned to normal with no reactions to any form of water.

This state is so rare that only 40 cases are currently known. As with any disease, there are varying degrees. Some are allergic to water in any form and some may have problems with one form of water such as sweat. Whatever the degree, this is a life changing disorder. Activities that are taken for granted such as going to the beach or working up a sweat in a gym cannot be enjoyed by those with this problem. There are many rare diseases that no cure has been discovered and this is certainly one of them
