Aquarius and Pisces Compatibility

Storm clouds will gather in this relationship if Pisces tries to place restrictions on where you go and who you spend your time with. Despite the Piscean’s seemingly easy-going ways he or she can be a surprisingly possessive lover. Pisces has this idea that romance should be a special kind of togetherness that excludes the rest of the human race. Your lover talks about soul-mates and being together forever when you can’t see further into the future than tomorrow.

Aquarius and Pisces as Friends and Lovers

You don’t like to plan ahead, thinking that everything is mapped out in front of you with no chance of enjoying anything new. There is a spontaneous side of your nature that gives you a strong liking for change and variety. Pisces will understand this. In fact, sometimes he or she will come up with some weird and wonderful suggestions as to what you might do with your days. But underneath all, Pisces wants to feel snug and secure. These are words that make you feel trapped.

You are sociable in nature and your Pisces partner doesn’t mind mixing with friends every once in awhile. You may even have thought that he or she was reasonably outgoing when you first met. But as you get to know Pisces better, you might realise that this is not so. Pisceans like their privacy.

How Aquarius Sees a Pisces

Pisceans enjoy moments of silence in which to meditate and enjoy peace and quiet. Pisceans prefer to spend time with their closest friends rather than mix with crowds. You would find this too stifling. Pisces is romantic. He or she needs to be cherished but you don’t go in for all that ‘billing and cooing’ nonsense. Your partner will also have a stronger need for physical intimacy but again, you find this restricts your own need for independence. Pisces is peaceful company.

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He or she will do their best to please you and because your happiness is their main concern, Pisces will adapt to your lifestyle. He or she doesn’t mind changing their routines to suit your mood. You might both do a lot of travelling together and as long as your Piscean realises your need for variety, life could be good. But if ever your partner tries to tie you down, this romance could take a turn for the worse. Pisces is sentimental, sensitive and loyal and you respect these qualities. You’ll even put up with their strong emotional outbursts if your partner is willing to give you a long rein.

Brief Summary of an Aquarius/Pisces Relationship

On the surface it does look as if you should get on reasonably well with your Piscean partner. For you are both quite easy going signs. You can each be quite flexible and since you aren’t a stickler for routine, you’ll be quite happy to find that your partner does not live a particularly organised lifestyle. Where you might find it difficult to understand the Piscean is on an emotional level.

You were born under an air sign and this means you’re more intellectually inclined. While your partner was born under a water sign which makes them more emotional. Now and again their moodiness and sometimes a degree of possessiveness will get you down. And this suggests that you will have to work hard to develop a deeper understanding in this relationship.