The Origin of the Human Race and the Origin of Racism: One in the Same

When I research the origin of humans I always end up with the same conclusion. Whether it is scientific or religious we all came from the same atom, two humans, or the same cell. So why is there such hatred generated over the color of someone’s skin, someone’s ethnicity, or someone’s nationality? I have tried to find a reason why there are people who exist that indulge in superiority complexes where they believe they are the dominate race. The ignorance and arrogance that exists in today’s society is vile. So if such people are present in our society this could mean one other possibility. This is the possibility that the origin of the human race is also the beginning of one of mankind’s most evil characteristic, hate. Because the nature of hate is that it has no definitive meaning it is like a stem cell in that it can lead to other repulsive traits and actions. In the Bible these traits would be called evil and the actions or thoughts would be called sin.

There is scientific proof that has not been disclaimed or outdated that shows the origin of human species is in Africa because the oldest known human remains have been discovered there. Yet people who live in denial, who have no scientific or religious knowledge will discredit the information simply because they can only associate Africa with “Black” people and not the center of Pangaea. Simply by looking at how the shapes of the continents fit together one by common sense can see that Africa perfectly fits into the center. So why would it be far fetched to believe that humans like all other things in the universe have an origin/center of creation. That origin or center is proven to be Africa. Look past the skin, culture, and people that exist there today or that have come from there and just picture a blank beginning of one world where humans evolved (scientific) or were created (Biblical) and use your common sense to realize that there is no other logical historical background. Is it that hard to believe that we are Africans by origin regardless of where are ancestors traveled?

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This brings up the second point about our ancestors. Picture this, ancestors of African Americans stayed in Africa and adapted over the generations to combat the heat and sun generated by hot climates and habitation close to the equator. One of these adaptations includes dark skin which provides better protection against harsh sun rays. How about this, ancestors of Caucasians fled north to cooler climates and adapted skin more resistant to cold rather than heat and the sun. Hence, this is the reason why many African Americans are less likely to develop sunburn and Caucasians are more likely to feel comfortable in the cold. This is proven science and common sense! I have struggled to find a reason why humans would behave in such ghastly ways as a result of denial and then an idea dawned on me. What if these actions are not the result of denial but rather part of the act of human nature?

Because humans by nature are like the universe they are subjected to maintaining a balance such as right and wrong, kind and cruel, and good and evil. The negative side of the balance is what leads humans to hate instead of love and thus creates another theory that humans hate by nature and it just so happens that the direct object of hatred is the most familiar/similar subject(other humans). It is the strength of human nature that allows it to overwhelm people to do illogical things. Just look at the other side of the balance with regards to hate, which is love.

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Revisit all the cliché morals, phrases, songs that share a story of people doing illogical and uncharacteristic things in the name of love to gain an understanding of the power of human nature over regular/sane thought processes.
Therefore the Human race’s origin and the origin of racism are one in the same not because of the differences among humans on the outside but rather the beginning of human nature on the inside ever since thoughts could be manifested. These thoughts that have become reality include an ability to love and hate and unfortunately the balance of life keeps hate alive. Think of it this way, a sunny day is appreciated because of living through the cloudy days; therefore in similar theory the act of love or being loved is beautiful because of the experience of hate.
