An Owner’s Review of the Dyna-Glo Portable Kerosene Heater Model:RMC-55-R7: Ventilation

Maintenance and care of portable kerosene heaters is easy and inexpensive. An odor of kerosene only means the wick is dirty, worn-out, or has been used with watered kerosene and needs to be changed. A water-logged wick will only continue to emit an odor until it is replaced. This only takes a few minutes and is easy with the instructions from the owner’s manual. Any portable kerosene heater should burn clean and odor free. Wicks can be purchased at most hardware stores and it is a good idea to keep an extra wick handy.

This item can give satisfaction for years and the major cost is the purchase price of the heater and a few extra wicks. This is a small price to pay for reliable heat when the temperatures outside are below zero and the electric power is off due to winter ice and snowstorms. A downed tree on a power line can take a few days or even longer to repair.


Buy and install battery operated fire alarms. Be Safe! The Dyna-Glo Kerosene Heater is a safe heat source when used properly. This item has no stove pipe for ventilation, so the user has to provide safe ventilation to insure against indoor air pollution that could be dangerous. Homes that are well insulated and almost airtight will need a couple of windows opened about one inch for a safe interchange of fresh air. Never use this heater in a small closed room, like a bathroom, without proper ventilation. A bathroom ceiling fan can be turned on or an above-stove kitchen fan.

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Give the new heater a test run!

Before using inside the home, give the kerosene heater a test-run! Take it outside, fill the tank with water-clear 1-K kerosene only. Never use gasoline, benzene, paint thinners or other fuels in this heater. Allow the wick to soak for one hour. Light the wick, let it burn a few minutes then test the extinguish button. Does the flame go out? Before lighting the wick again, wait at least 10 minutes. This time turn the flame off manually. Does the wick lower enough to extinguish the flame? If so, then light the wick again and allow the heater to burn for a half-hour or more and when it is judged to be working correctly, take it inside and use it safely for your back-up heat source.

Never leave the heater unattended or go to bed without first turning off the heater and checking to make sure the flame is completely out. Always refill the tank outdoors and when transporting fuel from a service station pump, always use a blue can clearly marked kerosene. Red cans are for gas. Never use a red can for kerosene. Keep children away from this heater.

This article is not meant to cover all possible situations that could occur. Read and study the owner’s manual completely before using any type of heater or stove. Knowledge of ventilation needs and requirements is necessary for the safe, comfortable and enjoyable long-term use of any portable kerosene heater.


Dyna-Glo Kerosene-Heater Owner’s Manual