Lose Weight Fast- 14lbs in 14 Days

The soup diet is something that has been around for a very long time, and it is very surprising to see how many people still do it. You can actually manage to stay on the all soup diet and still remain healthy, as long as you are only on it for a couple weeks. By going on the soup diet for 14 days you are going to lose weight fast, save a ton of money, and learn how easy it is for you to eat healthy every day. The first thing that you are going to want to do is decide what types of soups you are going to be eating, and then find some healthy recipes for those soups, or buy them in the can.

The weight watchers Progresso soups are great options, because you don’t have to worry about what is in them. Just be sure that you are evenly dividing the can into two separate portions, since the can actually has two servings in it. By throwing it in a plastic container you are going to have lunch or dinner for another day. If you don’t want to pay the prices of the soups at the stores, then mix up a big batch of your own and freeze it or store it in the refrigerator.

When you begin the soup diet you may be wondering what you are going to be eating for breakfast, and you may be surprised to discover that there are many breakfast soups that you can enjoy. Eating soup can be very filling and you are going to drop pounds doing it. Here are some of my favorite healthy soup recipes that you can use to drop weight, and start fitting into your skinny jeans.

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• Breakfast Soup: In the morning you are going to want to include some whole grain toast to start out your day, and to provide some energy. Here is the mix of the soup that you are going to blend together and put on top of your toast.

• 8 0z of low fat low calorie vanilla yogurt or Greek yogurt

• ½ teaspoon honey (great of energy, buy organic honey)

• 1 cup of fresh fruit, or fruit mixture

• ¼ cup of wheat germ

• Lunch Soup: This is a great lunch soup that you can serve yourself with a few whole grain crackers is you are feeling a little drained, and it is a classic favorite. Just turn on the burner and throw it all into a pot.

• 4 cups of low sodium organic chicken broth

• 2 cups of your favorite frozen vegetables

• I large can of crushed or canned tomatoes

• 2 cups of lean organic chicken dices or cubed

• 1 clove of garlic, and pepper to taste

• ½ medium sized onion chopped

• Dinner Soup: Having a more sophisticated meal for dinner is going to keep you from getting bored with soup, and falling off the 14 day soup diet. For this low calorie clam chowder recipe spray the pan first, and then mix everything together until it boils, then simmer for 10 minutes.

• 7 oz minced clams

• 2 cups chopped celery

• 2 cups chopped red potatoes

• A low sodium can of clamato juice

• A medium can of crushed tomatoes

• Cup of shredded carrot

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• A small diced onion

Cayenne pepper and black pepper to taste

• A dash of thyme
