An Open Letter to Television Psychics About Their Talents

Why aren’t psychics teaching us their celestial skills? It’s really been bugging me lately. When I see Sylvia Browne on Montel Williams or John Edward on cable channel WE, I think – why don’t they offer courses to us common non psychic folk?

Wait a minute. Are they too focused on socially relevant work? They’re too busy enriching profitable careers, along with making their investment bankers deliriously happy you say? Maybe.

Honestly, I’m confused. Psychics say they help people. I suppose you can find more than a few who say they were helped by these “psychic friends”, but when prodded about the mind blowing skills, the near universal answer is, “Everyone can do it. We all have the ability.”

Really? Great! I want to learn how to be a psychic! Don’t you?

I know what you’re thinking. It’s a cosmic fortuitous happening, a God given gift, so mysterious it can’t be taught like a skill set. OK. However, why do they so often insist they’re not special and everyone can do it? If they do have a gift, which is what they constantly say, then they know something more than us.

Musicians are taught. American Idol contestants practice, improve and in essence are taught. Painters are taught to paint. Chefs can be mentored by Emeril or Bobbie Flay. All these “gifts” are taught, conveyed and improved on – yet psychic skills of these incredibly highly paid celebrities can’t be quantified even by themselves?

The far reaching ramifications of psychic powers being taught and passed on to others is mind boggling. Imagine the good it could foster in the world. Telepathic conferences between warring nations might hasten an end to wars, or at least make it a lot harder to pull off when you know an enemy’s military strategy instantly.

See also  Debunking Sylvia Browne: Are Television Psychics Real?

It’s known the former Soviet Union, the United States and other nations conducted experiments in psychic research. This testing supposedly bore interesting, if not wholly conclusive fruit. The psychic research was held mostly during the cold war. Now, if there are new programs being conducted, they’re apparently top secret. Wouldn’t it be great if James Van Praagh helped out Uncle Sam in psychic power planning or Sylvia Browne tutored the CIA in better spy tactics through psychic savvy?

The other day I saw John Edward on Home Shopping Network selling merchandise. It was a kind of pricey artwork with supposedly meditative properties. He was also hawking candles, presumably imbued with psychic energy or a relaxing aura. These items seemed fine, but boy were they expensive!

Hey, John, why don’t you hold a class teaching psychic abilities? Maybe HSN will partner with you, so we can all benefit from a mass broadcast discount. You see, I’m not into candles much at all and I like my artwork classic renaissance or impressionistic. However to become a psychic under your tutelage sounds like an awesome deal!

Come on, John or Sylvia create a psychic college! Sign me up! Anyone else ready to become a newly christened psychic friend? Just think, after we graduate with our degree in Psychic Powers – our PP Degree, then we can hold classes and teach so many others.

I want a PP degree! Don’t you? What a wonderful psychic world it will be!