An Online Pregnancy Test?

Entirely by accident, I stumbled across an online pregnancy test this morning. Imagine my surprise when this amazing website informed me that in an instant, I could find out if I was pregnant without the use of a pregnancy test or a trip to my doctor. Incredible! But is it too good to be true? Well, probably, but still…. I had to go check it out for myself. Want to take an online pregnancy test yourself? Go for it! Male or female, young or old, fertile or not….go take an online pregnancy test at

Here’s how this particular pregnancy test works. Truly, it’s amazing when you think of it. You just type in your name and press the start button. Heck, don’t even type in your own name. I didn’t! Afraid that I would somehow jinx myself, I typed in the name of a friend of mine. (She’s actually trying to get pregnant so if she gets jinxed, it’s okay) After you type in your name, hit “Start Pregnancy Test.

You must remain perfectly still as the online pregnancy test scans your body for:

– Endocrine balance
– Hormone levels
– Amniotic concentration
– Carbohydrate level
– Ketone (ketosis/lipolysis)
– Ovulation status
– Bovine Encephalitis
– Distemper
– Progesterone infusion

You will be given immediate results upon completion of the online pregnancy test. Ah… The wonders of the Internet. If you feel your online pregnancy test results are incorrect, simply perform a re-test. Hey, accidents happen! However, if your results come up “positive” and you are indeed “virtually pregnant”, you can then go one step forward and see if your “virtual child” is a boy or a girl. After discovering the sex of your “virtual bundle of joy” you can then go one step further and find out who the “baby daddy” is. HOW DO THEY DO THIS??

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While I found the idea of an online pregnancy test very amusing, and entertained myself with it for a ridiculous amount of time, I began wondering is there is ANYONE out there that would take it seriously. Sadly, I think there is. With the image of some hopeful woman putting all her “eggs in one basket” at, I became saddened at the thought that someone may actually think the results are for real. After all, GUARANTEES their results. In fact, the website states that the pregnancy test results you are receiving are 99.9% accurate. There is NO DISCLAIMER on the website that the online pregnancy test is for entertainment purposes only. (I was able to find the word ‘humor’ under search engine results for the website in small lettering)

So, in conclusion, if you would enjoy a giggle today, go get yourself an online pregnancy test! But… aware that it IS for entertainment only. There is NOTHING about pregnancy that is easy, including the process of taking a pregnancy test.

** To read more from this author, CLICK HERE.


An attempt to amuse myself